Profile Directory
Amin Sabet
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Mallika Sabharwal
Clinical Instructor, Family Medicine
Shakti Sudha Sabharwal
Adjunct Instructor, Medicine
Vishakha Sabharwal
Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Valentina Sabino
Professor, Pharmacology, Physiology & Biophysics
Teviah Sachs
Associate Professor, Surgery
Olivia Sacks
Clinical Instructor, Surgery
Hossein Sadrzadeh
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Mohsan Saeed
Assistant Professor, Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Manish Sagar
Professor, Medicine
Rachel Sagor
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Stanley Sagov
Assistant Professor, Family Medicine
Ayse Sahin Efe
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Debjani Sahni
Dr. G. Robert Baler Junior Faculty Professor, Dermatology
Kelley Saia
Associate Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Judith Saide
Associate Professor, Pharmacology, Physiology & Biophysics
Noelle Saillant
Associate Professor, Surgery
Marie-Helene Saint-Hilaire
Professor, Neurology
Courtney Sakas
Clinical Instructor, Emergency Medicine
Ramin Saket
Adjunct Instructor, Radiology
Miguel Sala
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Mohammad Salajegheh
Adjunct Associate Professor, Neurology
Daisy Salamanca
Assistant Professor, Medicine
David Salant
Professor, Medicine
Daliah Salem
Clinical Assistant Professor, General Dentistry
Umar Salimi
Instructor, Pediatrics
David Salter
Assistant Professor, Family Medicine
Betty Sam
Instructor, Medicine
Danny Sam
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine
Flora Sam
Professor, Medicine
Jeffrey Samet
Professor, Medicine
John Samuelson
Professor, Molecular & Cell Biology
Sabrina Sanchez
Associate Professor, Surgery
Vivian Sanchez
Assistant Professor, Surgery
Vaishali Sanchorawala
Professor, Medicine
Neha Sandeep
Instructor, Medical Sciences & Education
Megan Sandel
Professor, Pediatrics
Julie Sandell
Professor Emeritus, Anatomy & Neurobiology
Elizabeth Sanders
Assistant Professor, Surgery
Elizabeth Sandman
Adjunct Instructor, Medicine
Jonathan Santiago
Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine
Robert Saper
Professor, Family Medicine
Sajid Saraf
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Medicine
Leela Sarathy
Adjunct Instructor, Pediatrics
Suzanne Sarfaty
Associate Professor, Medicine
Karim Sariahmed
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Carmen Sarita-Reyes
Clinical Associate Professor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Emmett Sartor
Assistant Professor, Neurology
Yuzuru Sasamoto
Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology
Claudia Satizabal
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Neurology
Jussi Saukkonen
Associate Professor, Medicine
Erica Saunders
Instructor, Medicine
Jonathan Scalera
Assistant Professor, Radiology
Dane Scantling
Assistant Professor, Surgery
Emily Scarbo
Instructor, Medicine
Rebecca Scharf
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Scott Schaus
Professor, Chemistry
Elissa Schechter-Perkins
Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine
Timothy Scheffelin
Instructor, Neurology
Brent Schell
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Frank Schembri
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Alexander Schmidt
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Insa Schmidt
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Jeffrey Schneider
Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine
Karin Schon
Associate Professor, Anatomy & Neurobiology
Christopher Schonhoff
Assistant Professor, Pharmacology, Physiology & Biophysics
Barbara Schreiber
Associate Professor, Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Paul Schroy
Emeritus Professor, Medicine
Kelly Schuering
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Ruth Schulman
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Lucy Schulson
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Jayna Schumacher
Instructor, Pediatrics
Jennifer Schuster Wachen
Associate Professor, Psychiatry
Michael Schwartz
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Erica Scioli
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Hilana Scott
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Jillian Scott
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Lauren Scott
Assistant Professor, Family Medicine
Frances Searle
Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Barbara Seaton
Emeritus Professor, Pharmacology, Physiology & Biophysics
Sepehr Sekhavat
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Alfredo Selim
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Luis Selva
Instructor, Radiology
Mikhail Semenov
Assistant Professor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Afi Semenya
Assistant Professor, Family Medicine
Dana Semmel
Assistant Professor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Isaias Sepulveda
Adjunct Instructor, Psychiatry
Hope Serafin
Instructor, Emergency Medicine
Kelsey Serier
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Christine Serpe
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Maria de Los Angeles Serrano
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Richard Serrao
Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine
Sudha Seshadri
Adjunct Professor, Neurology
Francesca Seta
Associate Professor, Medicine
Manveen Sethi
Research Assistant Professor, Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Bindu Setty
Clinical Associate Professor, Radiology
Sumana Setty
Assistant Professor, Family Medicine
Philip Severin
Instructor, Family Medicine
Keri Sewell
Assistant Professor, Family Medicine
Darshan Shah
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Sunali Shah
Assistant Professor, Neurology
Talya Shahal
Adjunct Instructor, Psychiatry
Yazdani Shaik-Dasthagirisheb
Research Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Christopher Shanahan
Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine
Divya Anjana Shankar
Clinical Instructor, Medicine
Taylor Shannon
Instructor, Anesthesiology
Mohammed Sharaf
Assistant Professor, Dermatology
Gaurav Sharma
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Surgery
Gummuluru V.R.K. Sharma
Adjunct Associate Professor, Medicine
Kavita Sharma
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Malvika Sharma
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Monica Sharma
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Samata Sharma
Adjunct Instructor, Psychiatry
Jacqueline Sharon
Emeritus Professor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Andrei Sharov
Assistant Professor, Dermatology
Kieran Sheahan
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Gregory Sheedy
Instructor, Anesthesiology
Shanshan Sheehy
Assistant Professor, Slone Epidemiology Center
Jennifer Shehan
Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
Samira Sheikh
Clinical Assistant Professor, General Dentistry
Aletheia Shen
Instructor, Medicine
Burton Shen
Pulmonary & Critical Care Fellow, Medicine
Lisa Shen
Assistant Professor, Dermatology
Fitzgerald Shepherd
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Melissa Sherman
Instructor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
David Sherr
Professor, Environmental Health
Amola Shertukde
Assistant Professor, Family Medicine
Richard Sherva
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Lea Sheward
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Jillian Shipherd
Professor, Psychiatry
G. Shipley
Emeritus Professor, Pharmacology, Physiology & Biophysics
Jaime Shorten
Instructor, Psychiatry
Anjna Shrivastava
Adjunct Instructor, Pediatrics
Julie Shulman
Assistant Professor, Neurology
Michelle Sia
Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Peter Siao Tick Chong
Clinical Professor, Neurology
Omar Siddiqi
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Benjamin Siegel
Professor, Pediatrics
Cory Siegel
Assistant Professor, Radiology
Jennifer Siegel
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Medicine
Lillian Siegel
Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Nicole Siegel
Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology
Amy Silberbogen
Clinical Associate Professor, Psychiatry
Rebecca Silliman
Emeritus Professor, Medicine
Eric Silverman
Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine
Kenneth Silverman
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Medicine
Francesca Simeone
Clinical Instructor, Orthopaedic Surgery
Nicholas Simms
Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
Robert Simms
Professor, Medicine
Stephen Simon
Instructor, Medicine
Steven R. Simon
Adjunct Associate Professor, Medicine
Alexandra Sims
Instructor, Medicine
Talia Singer-Clark
Instructor, Family Medicine
Sabetta Singh
Instructor, Medicine
Satish Singh
Associate Professor, Medicine
Amitasha Sinha
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Bharati Sinha
Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Pranay Sinha
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Jeffrey Siracuse
Professor, Surgery
Samantha Siskind
Assistant Professor, Endocrinology, Diabetes & Nutrition
Nayan Sivamurthy
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Surgery
Lara Michal Skarf
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Medicine
Martha Skinner
Emeritus Professor, Amyloidosis Center
Barbara Slack
Associate Professor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Jaromir Slama
Assistant Professor, Surgery
Michael Slama
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Neurology
Priscilla Slanetz
Professor, Radiology
Diana Slawniak
Instructor, Medicine
Eric Sleeper
Instructor, Pediatrics
Colleen Sloan
Clinical Associate Professor, Psychiatry
Denise Sloan
Professor, Psychiatry
J. Sloan
Associate Professor, Medicine
Paul Smiley
Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery
Barbara Smith
Emeritus Professor, Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Brian Smith
Associate Professor, Psychiatry
Claire Smith
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Lauren Smith
Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Lorraine Smith
Clinical Associate Professor, Radiology
Michael Smith
Instructor, Medicine
Peter Smith
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Vincent Smith
Professor, Pediatrics
Barbara Snyder
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Jennifer Snyder-Cappione
Assistant Professor, Virology, Immunology & Microbiology
Kaku So-Armah
Associate Professor, Medicine
Amy Sobota
Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Jean-Jacques Soghomonian
Associate Professor, Anatomy & Neurobiology
Marika Solhan
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Alexandra Solomon
Clinical Instructor, Medicine
Ponnandai Somasundar
Associate Professor, Surgery
Aba Somers
Instructor, Medicine
Elizabeth Sommers
Assistant Professor, Family Medicine
Maximillian Soong
Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery
Scarlet Soriano
Assistant Professor, Family Medicine
Lillian Sosa
Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Jorge Soto
Professor, Radiology
Valena Soto-Wright
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Fereshteh Sharo Soumekh
Adjunct Instructor, Neurology
Colin Sox
Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Kristen Spain
Instructor, Medicine
David Sparrow
Professor, Medicine
Nicole Spartano
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Lawrence Specht
Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery
Jordan Spector
Clinical Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine
Arielle Spellun
Assistant Professor , Pediatrics
Nicole Spence
Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology
Andrea Spencer
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Jean Spencer
Assistant Professor, Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Jeffrey Spiegel
Professor, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
Steven Spiegel
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Roger Spingarn
Instructor, Pediatrics
Avrum Spira
Alexander Graham Bell Professor in Health Care Entrepreneurship, Medicine
Avron Spiro
Research Professor, Epidemiology
Maya Srinivasan
Clinical Instructor, Hematology & Oncology
Eric Staffier
Instructor, Ophthalmology
Mirela Stancu
Assistant Professor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Katherine Standish
Assistant Professor, Family Medicine
H. Stanley
Professor, Physics
Stephanie Stapleton
Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine
Andrew Staron
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Milana Stavitsky
Instructor, Pediatrics
Deborah Stearns-Kurosawa
Emeritus Associate Professor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Devin Steenkamp
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Jonathan Steer-Massaro
Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Maria Stefanidou
Assistant Professor, Neurology
Katrina Steiling
Associate Professor, Medicine
Andrew Stein
Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery
Ronald Stein
Instructor, Anesthesiology
Thor Stein
Associate Professor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Eric Steinberg
Research Assistant Professor, Neurology
Martin Steinberg
Professor, Medicine
Nebulla Stephen
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Cara Stepp
Professor, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Aliza Stern
Assistant Professor, Dermatology
Lauren Stern
Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine
Robert Stern
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Robert Stern
Professor, Neurology
Sean Randolph Stetson
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
John Stevenson
Instructor, Surgery
Elizabeth Stier
Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Patricia Stoeck
Adjunct Instructor, Pediatrics
Kara Stoever
Instructor: At The Medical Campus, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Allan Stolarski
Clinical Instructor, General Surgery
Geren Stone
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Medicine
Phillip Stone
Emeritus Professor, Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Laura Stonestreet
Instructor, Medical Sciences & Education
Michelle Stransky
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Carl Streed
Associate Professor, Medicine
Amy Street
Associate Professor, Psychiatry
Chris Streeter
Emeritus Associate Professor, Psychiatry
James Strom
Adjunct Professor, Medicine
Phillip Stubblefield
Emeritus Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Sara Stulac
Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Sara Stulac
Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Manju Subramanian
Associate Professor, Ophthalmology
Hemali Sudhalkar
Instructor, Medicine
Vijay Sudheendra
Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology
Joelle Sulistio
Instructor, Medicine
Catherine Sullivan
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Nancy Sullivan
Edward Avedisian Professor
Sheila Sullivan
Instructor, Medicine
Preeti Sunderaraman
Assistant Professor, Neurology
Edward Sung
Assistant Professor, Radiology
David Suskin
Adjunct Instructor, Medicine
Ann Sweeney
Adjunct Associate Professor, Medicine
Kathleen Swenson
Clinical Associate Professor, Medical Sciences & Education
Emily Swisher-Rosa
Instructor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Sohera Syeda
Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine
Charlene Sylvestre
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Lisa Sylvia
Instructor, Pediatrics
Karen Symes
Associate Professor, Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Raphael Szalat
Assistant Professor, Hematology & Oncology
Eliza Szuch
Clinical Instructor, Neurology
Demian Szyld
Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine