Mohammad Kian Salajegheh, MD
Adjunct Associate Professor, Neurology

- Published on 6/4/2022
Colvin LE, Foster ZW, Stein TD, Thakore-James M, Salajegheh MK, Carr K, Spencer KR, Abdul Rauf N, Adams L, Averill JG, Walker SE, Robey I, Alvarez VE, Huber BR, McKee AC, Kowall NW, Brady CB. Utility of the ALSFRS-R for predicting ALS and comorbid disease neuropathology: The Veterans Affairs Biorepository Brain Bank. Muscle Nerve. 2022 Aug; 66(2):167-174. PMID: 35585776.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 2/1/2021
Mitchkash M, Salajegheh MK. Two Years of Progressive Right Wrist Pain and Hand Weakness in a 68-Year-Old Male Patient. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2021 Feb 01; 100(2):e17-e18. PMID: 32520793.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 1/1/2019
Ting BL, Blazar PE, Collins JE, Mora AN, Salajegheh MK, Amato AA, Earp BE. Median Nerve Ultrasonography Measurements Correlate With Electrodiagnostic Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Severity. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2019 Jan 01; 27(1):e17-e23. PMID: 30216244.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 10/26/2018
Salajegheh MK, Domingo-Horne RM. The Reply. Am J Med. 2018 11; 131(11):e485. PMID: 30392646.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 8/1/2018
Foster LA, Salajegheh MK. Motor Neuron Disease: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management. Am J Med. 2019 Jan; 132(1):32-37. PMID: 30075105.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 10/23/2017
Domingo-Horne RM, Salajegheh MK. An Approach to Myopathy for the Primary Care Clinician. Am J Med. 2018 03; 131(3):237-243. PMID: 29074094.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 10/19/2016
Graham B, Peljovich AE, Afra R, Cho MS, Gray R, Stephenson J, Gurman A, MacDermid J, Mlady G, Patel AT, Rempel D, Rozental TD, Salajegheh MK, Keith MW, Jevsevar DS, Shea KG, Bozic KJ, Adams J, Evans JM, Lubahn J, Ray WZ, Spinner R, Thomson G, Shaffer WO, Cummins DS, Murray JN, Mohiuddin M, Mullen K, Shores P, Woznica A, Linskey E, Martinez Y, Sevarino K. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline on: Management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2016 Oct 19; 98(20):1750-1754. PMID: 27869627.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 1/5/2016
Hahn C, Salajegheh MK. Myotonic disorders: A review article. Iran J Neurol. 2016 Jan 05; 15(1):46-53. PMID: 27141276.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 12/21/2015
Burns TM, Smith GA, Allen JA, Amato AA, Arnold WD, Barohn R, Benatar M, Bird SJ, Bromberg M, Chahin N, Ciafaloni E, Cohen JA, Corse A, Crum BA, David WS, Dimberg E, Sousa EA, Donofrio PD, Dyck PJ, Engel AG, Ensrud ER, Ferrante M, Freimer M, Gable KL, Gibson S, Gilchrist JM, Goldstein JM, Gooch CL, Goodman BP, Gorelov D, Gospe SM, Goyal NA, Guidon AC, Guptill JT, Gutmann L, Gutmann L, Gwathmey K, Harati Y, Harper CM, Hehir MK, Hobson-Webb LD, Howard JF, Jackson CE, Johnson N, Jones SM, Juel VC, Kaminski HJ, Karam C, Kennelly KD, Khella S, Khoury J, Kincaid JC, Kissel JT, Kolb N, Lacomis D, Ladha S, Larriviere D, Lewis RA, Li Y, Litchy WJ, Logigian E, Lou JS, MacGowen DJ, Maselli R, Massey JM, Mauermann ML, Mathews KD, Meriggioli MN, Miller RG, Moon JS, Mozaffar T, Nations SP, Nowak RJ, Ostrow LW, Pascuzzi RM, Peltier A, Ruzhansky K, Richman DP, Ross MA, Rubin DI, Russell JA, Sachs GM, Salajegheh MK, Saperstein DS, Scelsa S, Selcen D, Shaibani A, Shieh PB, Silvestri NJ, Singleton JR, Smith BE, So YT, Solorzano G, Sorenson EJ, Srinivasen J, Tavee J, Tawil R, Thaisetthawatkul P, Thornton C, Trivedi J, Vernino S, Wang AK, Webb TA, Weiss MD, Windebank AJ, Wolfe GI. Editorial by concerned physicians: Unintended effect of the orphan drug act on the potential cost of 3,4-diaminopyridine. Muscle Nerve. 2016 Feb; 53(2):165-8. PMID: 26662952.
Read at: PubMed - Published on 10/6/2015
Quinn C, Salajegheh MK. Myotonic Disorders and Channelopathies. Semin Neurol. 2015 Aug; 35(4):360-8. PMID: 26502760.
Read at: PubMed
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