Steven Spiegel, MD

Assistant Professor, Medicine

Steven Spiegel


Dr. Spiegel, MD is a practicing Nephrologist in Norfolk, MA. Dr. Spiegel graduated from State University of New York Upstate Medical University in 1998 and has been in practice for 21 years. He completed a residency at New York Presbyterian Hospital. Dr. Spiegel also specializes in Internal Medicine. He currently practices at Commonwealth Nephrology Associates and is affiliated with Brigham & Women’s Hospital and MetroWest Medical Center Framingham Union Hospital.

Other Positions

  • MetroWest Medical Center


  • Stony Brook University, MD
  • Stony Brook University, BS


  • Published on 12/24/1996

    Moriya M, Spiegel S, Fernandes A, Amin S, Liu T, Geacintov N, Grollman AP. Fidelity of translesional synthesis past benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide-2'-deoxyguanosine DNA adducts: marked effects of host cell, sequence context, and chirality. Biochemistry. 1996 Dec 24; 35(51):16646-51. PMID: 8988000.

    Read at: PubMed
  • Published on 1/1/1994

    Moriya M, Spiegel S, Fernandes A, Liu T, Geacintov N, Grollman AP. Mutagenic Potential of Benzo(a)pyrene Diol Epoxide-2’-Deoxyguanosine Adducts in E. Coli and Simian Kidney Cells. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Annual Meeting, The Faseb Journal. 1994; 8(7).

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