EVI Tools

Creating + Sustaining a Culture of Equity, Vitality, and Inclusion

All tools are living documents to be revised on an annual basis. Please refer back to this page for updates + new additions.

We are committed to information sharing and acknowledge this is an iterative process. Please take a look at the tool’s overview to set the stage before downloading. If you would like to adapt or adopt these tools for your own use, please cite us:

“Adapted from Boston University Medical Group’s Office of Equity,
Vitality, and Inclusion
[full name of document + origin link]”

We’d love to hear from you! Please send us any adaptations you make so we can build a collaborative community for learning + culture change. Contact us here.

Glossary for Culture Transformation
Language reflects our values and shapes our beliefs, thoughts, and actions. The Glossary for Culture Transformation builds common understanding on issues of justice, equity, and belonging through shared language. The Glossary was developed by EVI in partnership with all levels of staff, employees, students, faculty, and leadership from Boston University Medical Group (BUMG), Boston Medical Center (BMC), Boston University Aram V. Chobanian & Edward Avedisian School of Medicine, and all schools on the Boston University Medical Campus (BUMC). We looked to peer institutions with shared values, engaged key stakeholders and content experts, and offered an open comment period to the BUMC community and heard from 100+ people – thank you to all involved!

The Glossary includes over 100 terms to expand our awareness of the world beyond our individual identities and experiences. It aims to promote mindful use of language that affirms and centers those who have been historically and currently marginalized due to unfair systems.

We are tracking engagement via the Glossary’s interactive website platform, the Words Matter Pledge campaign, and the feedback we receive. This Glossary is a living document, reflecting the evolving nature of language. We are committed to ongoing, periodic revision to incorporate new concepts and evolving language.

Created by everyone, and for everyone, the Glossary represents the collective wisdom and diverse identities and perspectives of our BUMC community. It exists to reinforce the foundation and prioritization of justice, equity, and belonging throughout the health system.

Inclusive Language Practices
Mindful use of language in our written + verbal communications affirms structurally marginalized populations and reduces further perpetuation of unintended harm, marginalization, and inequitable outcomes. This living tool provides practical recommendations + resources to incorporate the terms defined in the Glossary for Culture Transformation. It is imperative that we consider, respect, and understand the diverse and intersecting social identities that make up our institution, patient population, and community.

Language is always evolving. We will not get it right all of the time, but we can be intentional and indicate to those around us that we acknowledge and respect all the ways in which people choose to identify.

This tool was created by the Women’s Leadership Advisory Council in partnership with the Office of Faculty Development and Glossary development team.

Commitment to Operationalize Racial Equity (CORE)
The Commitment to Operationalize Racial Equity (CORE) is a tool for clinical departments and sections to integrate racial equity into decision-making. Using CORE, departments and sections establish Racial Equity teams, review data, and complete an assessment to identify their racial equity goals and actions. In 2021, 18 of 28 BUMG departments and sections submitted racial equity goals to EVI, and we will continue to coach and consult with departments and sections.

Additionally, all 28 BUMG departments and sections have identified a Racial Equity Champion, who lead racial equity work within their department or section. Champions meet monthly to discuss the integration of racial equity into practice and build a community of support and learning. Equity is as much about the process as it is the outcome, and CORE is an example of that.

CORE was created by EVI in partnership with the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council and other key stakeholders. Click here for an overview of this initiative.

Review Based Guidelines (RBG) for the Equitable Appointment of Leadership Roles
Review-Based Guidelines (RBG) for the Equitable Appointment of Leadership Roles is a tool to improve equity in the selection of leadership positions by transforming workflows and establishing fair and transparent processes.

The RBG equips department/section leadership with the tools needed to:
• establish a diverse and representative search committee
• create awareness of leadership opportunities and the processes used to appoint leaders
• actively challenge their own implicit biases
• equitably evaluate and select candidates

Five departments piloted the RBG in 2021, using sample documents and templates to tailor the tool, ultimately appointing four new leaders using the process.

EVI developed the RBG in partnership with the Women’s Leadership Advisory Council. Click here for an overview of this initiative.

“We can always do this better, and embracing a systematic, rigorous process helps us do things the right way.” – 2021 pilot program participant

Road Map
Consolidated Checklist
Running an Open Call Checklist
SLSC Overview

Standard Templates

1.1 Equitable Advancement Metrics Tracker
1.2 List of Leadership Roles in Department
1.3 List of Leadership Roles Email
1.4 Leadership Role Job Description
3.1 Leadership Role Outreach Plan
3.2 Interview Questions for Leadership Roles
3.3 Candidate Evaluation Form
3.4 Candidate Skills Survey
Sample SLSC Candidate Recommendation
4.1 Post-Interview Debrief Form for SLSC
4.2 Post-Search Equity Assessment Form for SLSC

Sponsorship Tip Sheet
Women in academic medicine have fewer experiences with high-quality sponsorship than men, which puts them at a disadvantage when trying to advance in their careers and perpetuates inequities in leadership1. The Gender Equity Advisory Council created this tip sheet to provide practical tips, tools, and scripts for leaders, faculty, and staff. Take a look at our Self-Evaluation Checklist for more information on how to know if you’re being a good sponsor.

1 Levine, R.B., Ayyala, M.S., Skarupski, K.A. et al. “It’s a Little Different for Men”—Sponsorship and Gender in Academic Medicine: a Qualitative Study. J GEN INTERN MED 36, 1–8 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-020-05956-2