AY23 EVI Priority Goals by Department/Section

We are sharing this year’s priority goals to highlight equity, vitality, and inclusion efforts at the department/section level, and connect local champions, leaders, and allies.

You can find a summary of past department/section efforts here.

PLEASE NOTE: The below content was reported during the EVI Action Planning process between September and December 2022. Please contact evi@bmc.org with any questions or updates.

Standardize implementation of ending CRNA shift 30 minutes early, and complete updates to practice guidelines and the CRNA security in Epic.
Conduct an APP listening tour and launch one initiative/project aimed at improving our APP burnout and professional fulfillment scores.
Finalize our workplace gratitude program.
Develop a compensation plan that facilitates recruitment and retention of a vibrant faculty through increased transparency and alignment with mission, with respect to salary/clinical hours and ensuring equity and fair and competitive pay.
Family Medicine
All section leaders in the section will identify a DEI goal.
Host at least 2 DEIA-focused events.
Develop a formalize section mentoring plan for junior faculty (Instructors and Assistant Professors), with the long-term goal of rolling out to all faculty in the section.
Advocate for and develop a compensation plan to present to BUMG leadership.
Complete a paper studying the outcomes of Neurosurgery patients based on ethnicity, sex, and race.
Actively contribute to completion of new APP compensation proposal with BUMG leadership.
Develop plan to carve out “academic time” every Friday morning, with late clinic start times, to reduce off-hour meetings on topics relating to education, research, mentorship, and administration, with a target start date of September 1, 2023.
>80% of people strongly or somewhat agree with the statement “The department has plans, policies and resources to advance diversity and racial equity.”
Develop a monthly APP lecture series featuring clinical education and DEI topics, to be launched in AY24.
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
50% of the AY24 entering class of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine resident trainees will be from historically underrepresented groups.
Invest resources and build out research core.
Conduct a DEI Grand Round and offer listening session/healing circle to members of the department following crisis and traumatic events that occur in our communities related to diverse identities.
Train all residents on implicit bias.
Identify funding and plan to increase protected time for full time faculty, with goal of lowering clinics.
Restructure compensation.