Capstone Information

The 15 page Capstone paper is a culminating experience whereby students choose to research a topic that is relevant to the field of dentistry.  The paper is overseen by a faculty mentor.

The Capstone form must be submitted online by May 1st for August graduation (or by April 1 if walking in May commencement).

In most cases, the paper will be completed over the summer. Capstone papers will be graded as Pass/Fail and are designed for students completing the degree in 12 months.

The topic chosen is open-ended but should be a reasonable scope for the length of the paper. Topics can cover almost any field related to dentistry such as:

·       Community or public health dentistry

·       Dental disparities (US or abroad)

·       Hot topics in dentistry (e.g. stem cell research, teeth whitening, fluoridation)

·       Current clinical approaches and practices

All Capstone papers are required to follow the content and format guidelines and to contain a comprehensive literature review of the chosen topic, published studies of data that will be evaluated, and a discussion that reflects overarching insights and a broader evaluation of the studies presented.  See the Capstone Guidelines for additional details and important information.