Thesis and Capstone Information
A thesis or capstone project is required to complete the M.S. in Oral Health Sciences program.
Thesis Information
A thesis is scholarly work that must be approved by two faculty members in the field of study. The project must be well-conceived, of modest scope and have an original conclusion. The thesis may be literature based (graded Pass/Fail) or research based (laboratory, clinical, survey, retrospective (eligible for a grade of A) or a combination of the two.
Research-based theses are quite variable and do not necessarily need to be traditional bench research projects. Many students do perform these types of projects and get valuable research experience however other types of projects are also available. These “other” thesis opportunities include but are not limited to (i) clinical research working with patients directly, (ii) retrospective studies of previously collected data including statistical work-up (iii) public health or oral health education related and (iv) the development of a survey eliciting information on topic of interest followed by data collection and analysis. If recommended by your primary thesis mentor, your research this may be eligible for an “A” grade.
Capstone Information
The 15 page Capstone project is a culminating experience whereby students choose to research a topic that is relevant in the field of dentistry. This project is overseen by a faculty mentor, who has expertise in the topic chosen, either at the Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine or the Goldman School of Dental Medicine. The project will be completed over the summer, will be graded as Pass/Fail, and is designed for students completing the MS in 12 months.
- Information and Requirements (including capstone template)
- Capstone Form