GMS Student Forms

GMS Registrar Office is excited to announce that All GMS online Student PDF’s Forms have changed to Unity forms.   This enhancement will improve student experience with a quicker and easier process to complete the forms.

Many GMS Student Forms are electronically submitted and are listed in the table below. All other forms are found in the collapsible sections below. Do not submit duplicate forms.

If you have any questions or issues with an upload, contact the GMS Registrar’s Office

Registration page:

How to Submit Electronic Forms Online:  Click on the Link for the form fill it out and click on submit at the bottom of the form.

NOTE:  DUE TO A HIGH VOLUME OF ONLINE FORMS SUBMISSION THE RESPONSE TIME MAY BE DELAYED.  Normally it can take anywhere from two to four days for the forms to be routed to each faculty for approval.

GMS Online Student Forms
Add Drop Form
Certified Full-Time Form

Certified Full Time Policy 

MAMS students list Dr. Offner as advisor.
PhD Summer Research Status Form
For PhD students only to establish certified full time status for the summer.  This form  does not satisfy the mandatory registration for the final two semester during which degree requirements are completed.


Diploma Application

Please review and save the Diploma Checklist prior to submitting diploma application.

Petition & Special Request Forms
Credit Transfer Request
Thesis & Dissertation Forms
Special Service Appointment Form
Thesis Title Approval Form
The first reader of the thesis must be a faculty member of BU, BMC or BUMC.Confirm GMS reader on this link: GMS FACULTY LIST
Agreement to Perform Thesis Research

The first reader of the thesis must be a faculty member of BU, BMC or BUMC.

PhD Dissertation Prospectus Outline

PhD Dissertation Defense Abstract Form
Notify soon after form has been submitted.  
Confirm GMS reader on this link: GMS FACULTY LIST
PHD GMS Abstract Template
MDPHD Abstract Template 
PhD Schedule of Oral Defense Form
Do not schedule defense date or submit defense schedule form, until the abstract has been approved.  Notify soon after form has been upload.
MD/PhD Forms
MD PhD Program Transition Form