Mentoring, Tutoring & Academic Support
- Students are advised by both Dr. Davies (Director) and Dr. Young (Assistant Director) who advise on study and time management skills, assist with registration, and thesis and capstone mentoring. Additionally, the program supports your dental school goals by providing mock interviews, personal statement critique, and letters of recommendations as well as other advice for a successful dental admissions cycle.
Review Sessions
- Review sessions are provided by a TA/Group Tutor on Monday and Tuesday evenings throughout both semesters for the DMD courses for all OHS. This sessions are optional. Sessions are taught by an OHS alum who is a D1 student at BUGSDM.
- One-on-one tutoring is available 2hours/wk for any OHS student who struggles in a course. This is covered by OHS and continues throughout the semester.
- Occasionally group tutoring is also provided for students who need work on test taking or work on larger conceptual content that is better studied in small groups led by a tutor.
- All tutors, are current D1 students who are OHS alumni who received advanced standing in a particular course
Peer Mentoring
- Near-Peer Mentoring is a large part of the success of the OHS program. OHS students who have completed the program and matriculated to BU’s Goldman School of Dental Medicine are excited to give back to current OHS students. Current mentoring opportunities includes programs like DentMent which helps students adjust to the rigor of the OHS program by providing guidance with time management, test taking and study skills while also helping with adjusting to Boston as well as Big Sib program which is similar but more social. These mentors along with the tutors serve to support current OHS and provide invaluable resources whether social or academic. Learn more here.
Enrichment Programming
- OHS offers not only academic and mentoring services but also professional development, networking and social enrichment activities. Visit here to see more of what we do.