Oral Health Sciences Curriculum

Candidates for the MS in Oral Health Sciences (OHS) are required to complete a minimum of 32 graduate credit hours, including a final Capstone or Thesis project. While the majority of students complete the program in 12 months, there is an option for research if you chose to stay for more than one year.
The Program consists of 19 required credits (DMD Biochemistry, DMD Physiology, GMS Prevention and Oral Health Promotion and GMS Biomedical Information). The remaining credits are fulfilled with elective coursework as well as your Capstone or Thesis final project. Required courses are taken through the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine (BUGSDM), while elective courses are taken through the Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, Graduate Medical Sciences and can be tailored to meet the specific professional goals of each student.
The OHS program now enrolls a class of 40 in response to a highly qualified applicant pool. To maintain the rigorous graduate biomedical sciences curriculum and highly individualized and supportive culture of the program, OHS will move to a blended live lecture and video streaming format (50:50) for two Fall DMD courses.
Advising and Mentoring
We serve to provide students with strong academic advising throughout the completion of their degree. This includes initial enrollment, course selection, strengthening of study skills, and guidance towards completion of other programmatic requirements such as a thesis, capstone or practicum as dictated by Program.
A critical part of graduate education, which both GMS and OHS faculty supports, involves strong mentoring that allows students to begin to develop the soft professional skills needed as they move towards their career goals. These mentors, both graduate and dental school faculty, will model professional responsibility, serve as a constant source of encouragement, oversee professional development while assisting mentees with networking and building strong relationships.
Program Dates & Timeline
Orientation: August 1, 2024
Classes Start : Monday, August 5, 2024
Program End Date: August 25, 2025
Capstone Due Date: July 11, 2025 (tentative)
Graduation Calendar
Sample Curriculum
Fall 1
Spring 1
*OH 751 Biochemistry ( 6cr) |
*OH 731 Physiology ( 2cr) |
*OH 730 Physiology ( 6cr) |
MS 640 Biomedical Information (2cr) |
Electives (2-4 cr) |
OH 750 Oral Health Promotion in Dentistry (3cr) |
Electives (8-10 cr) |
OH 770 Evidence Based Dentistry (2 cr) |
OH 771 Head and Neck Anatomy (3 cr) |
OH 735 Applied Physiology (2cr) |
MS 700 Biostatistics ( 2cr) |
MA 640 Cultural Formation of a Clinician (3cr) |
**OH 740 Microbiology & Immunology ( 4cr) |
MS 701 Clinical Skills (2cr) |
**OH 700 Pathology (4cr) |
CI 670 Biostatistics (4cr) |
OH 685 Infectious Diseases |
MS 600 Introduction to Leadership (2cr)
BN778 Basic Neuroscience (2cr) |
OH 710 Applied Histology (2cr)
BN779 Basic Neuroscience (2cr) |
Summer I
Summer II
OH 971 (Capstone) (2cr) |
MS 710 Neuroanatomy (2cr)
MS 986 Continuing Student |
Fall 2
Spring 2
OH 971 (Thesis)(2cr) |
OH 972 (Thesis)(2cr) |
* DMD I courses in a blended live stream (50:50) format
** DMD 1 courses in live format
Schematic of 1 and 2 year curriculums and Path to Dental School
Students can choose to complete the Program in 1 year or 2 years and matriculate to dental school one to two years as shown be.