Elective Courses
Students can choose from the following elective courses taken with DMD students in the dental school or graduate students in GMS.
GMS OH 740 Microbiology & Immunology, spring semester (DMD course)
The overall goals of this course are to provide students with: (1) a basic background in microbiology, including the nomenclature, structure, physiology, genetics, mechanisms of pathogenesis, and clinical manifestations associated with the major pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, fungi and viruses); (2) an understanding of how the basic principles of microbiology are integral to effective diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious disease, and (3) a basic background in immunology including the functions and disorders of the immune system.[ 4 cr.] This is a DMD I course.
GMS OH 700 General Pathology, fall semester (DMD course)
Prereq: Consent of Instructor; must be in the Oral Health Sciences program. This course covers the fundamental concepts of modern pathology and explains how to apply the process of differential diagnosis in the major human diseases. Pathologic mechanisms and principles of most organs and systems of the body are discussed, with emphasis on those most relevant to oral health and care of dental patients. The course includes lectures by the School of Medicine Pathology faculty and Integrated Problem Sessions presented by students.[ 4 cr.] This is a DMD I course.
GMS OH 770 Evidence Based Dentistry, fall semester
Prereq: Consent of Instructor; must be in the Oral Health Sciences program. The goal of the course is to provide students with a working understanding of basic research study design and analysis in order to promote critical reading of the scientific literature. Content will touch upon a wide range of experimental techniques in the clinical sciences as well as ethical issues in the oral health sciences. The focus will be on evidence based dentistry and both reasoning and critical thinking skills will be challenged. Davies. 2 cr, Fall sem.
GMS OH 771 Fundamentals Of Head And Neck Anatomy, spring semester
This course is a fundamental course in head and neck anatomy taught using a regional approach rather than the systems approach. We begin with the history and specialized terminology, then proceeding to anatomic concepts in the oral cavity, palate, and pharynx. We proceed with the osteology of the skull, then to regional anatomy, the brain, the spinal cord, and the cranial nerves with their associations to the autonomic nervous system and their distributions in the head and neck. Clinical considerations will also be incorporated. [3 cr]
GMS OH 735 Applied Physiology, fall semester
The Applied Physiology course is comprised of a series of system-based modules: Molecular, Cellular, and Neurophysiology; Muscle and Cardiovascular System; Respiratory System, Hematology, and Thermoregulation; Gastrointestinal System; and Renal System. In contrast to the Dental Physiology course (MD514/OH730) which delivers physiology content in a largely lecture-based format, the Applied Physiology course emphasizes the context of normal human physiology and highlights important physiological mechanisms that are targets for pathophysiology and therapies, utilizing a case/problem-based approach. The course will be taught using small group, case/problem-based sessions and will be coordinated with the Dental Physiology course to integrate and reinforce the physiology content being covered within that course. The application of physiology, as one of the scientific foundations of dentistry, will aid the OHS student in developing skills necessary to establish a therapeutic relationship with their future patients and develop appropriate treatment plans. Knowledge of normal physiology will enhance the ability to recognize pathophysiology.[2cr]
GMS OH 685 Infectious Diseases: Pathogens And Clinical Manifestations, spring semester
Infectious Diseases course explores principles of infection, host factors, epidemiology, treatment, prevention, and clinical approach to infection of different organs and systems as well as basic description of medically important infectious agents, i.e. bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. [3cr]
GMS MS 701 Clinical Skills in the Biomedical Sciences, fall semester
The major goal of this course is to provide students with an understanding and experience in the fundamental methods and techniques commonly employed in the clinical biomedicals sciences. Emphasis is placed on the client/patient relationship, attending and listening skills, cognitive, affective, and behavioral counseling interventions, role-playing activities, and the concerns commonly expressed by beginning biomedical science professionals. .[2cr]
GMS CI 670 Biostatistics With Computing, fall semester
This course is designed for students with no prior experience with statistics who want to utilize computer software in performing statistical analysis. Topics include the collection, classification, and presentation of descriptive data; the rationale of hypothesis testing; t-tests and chi-square tests; correlation and regression analysis; sample size calculations, and analysis of contingency tables. Computer Laboratory course. [4cr]
GMS MA 640 The Cultural Formation of the Clinician: Its Implications for Practice, fall semester
This course will provide a context for exploring and reflecting on one’s own cultural formation in relation to such topics as gender, sexual orientation, race, class, religion, body size, and other areas where there are the greatest risks for health disparities through unexamined bias. [3cr]
GMS MS 600 Introduction to Leadership, spring semester
This course focuses on the basic principles of personal and interpersonal leadership as they relate to the wide range of biomedical and health science careers that BU graduates may enter. We will explore the areas of voice, vision, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, teamwork, and more. The material presented in this course will give way to the 5 practices of exemplary leaders that can be applied to any expertise area, but particularly for this course the biomedical research and health sciences areas. Completion of this course will benefit one’s career by allowing them to apply leadership practices in order to lead a successful team of researchers or healthcare practitioner. [2cr]
GMS OH 710 Applied Histology, spring semester
This course focuses on the histology (normal human microscopic anatomy) of cells and tissues with regular correlations to common human disease pathology in a traditional lecture and discussion format. Students learn to identify tissues and organ systems and gain a greater understanding of functionality in the normal state, to better understand how this function changes in a disease state. Specifically, students learn cell histologic methods and how morphology impacts function and disease in various cells and tissues including blood cells and vessels, the epithelium, connective tissue, brain, the immune system, lungs, the skeletal system, the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidney and the heart.
[ 2 cr.]
GMS BN 778/779 Basic Neuro Science, spring & fall semester
Overview includes neurophysiology, neurochemistry, neuroanatomy, neurobehavior, and neuropsychopharmacology. Processes occurring at the cellular and physiological levels are related to known central nervous system dysfunction. Spring Semester: Review of brain function and selected topics such as Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, neurotoxicology, aphasia, electrophysiology, and neuroimaging. This course is the same as GMS BN 777 (3 cr) and GMS BN 779 (2 cr), providing students with 50 hours of required course time. May not be taken concurrently with GMS BN 777 or 779. 4 cr, Fall & Spring sem.
[2 cr.]
Students who are part of the Oral Health Sciences program may also elect to take one or more courses available through Graduate Medical Sciences after discussion with their advisor.