Faculty and Staff

The Biomedical Forensic Sciences faculty consists of full-time and part-time instructors and professors trained in various fields of forensic science, including but not limited to, the fields of forensic DNA analysis, chemistry, trace evidence analysis, biology, arson and explosives, toxicology, pathology, medico-legal death investigation and pattern evidence.

All faculty have been recruited from local, state and federal forensic laboratories as well as the law enforcement and legal communities.


Robin Cotton, PhDRobin Cotton, PhD
Associate Professor, Director Biomedical Forensic Sciences

Dr. Cotton is an expert in the fields of DNA identification and analysis of biological evidence, and teaches courses in forensic DNA analysis. She has testified in over 200 cases around the country, including numerous high profile cases. Previous positions held by Dr. Cotton include Laboratory Director and DNA Technical Leader at Orchid Cellmark, member of the Journal of Forensic Sciences Editorial Board, and elected member of ASCLD/LAB Board of Directors; she currently serves on the Forensic Science Oversight Board for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and was co-chair of the 2018 Gordon Research Conference on the Forensic Analysis of Human DNA.  In October of 2006 Dr. Cotton joined the faculty at the Boston University School of Medicine to be the first Director of the Biomedical Forensic Sciences Program. (rwcotton@bu.edu)

Amy Brodeur, MFSAmy N. Brodeur, MFS
Assistant Professor, Associate Director Biomedical Forensic Sciences

Prof. Brodeur teaches in the areas of crime scene investigation and forensic biology, and is a Fellow of the American Board of Criminalistics. She has a background in general criminalistics and forensic DNA analysis, and has worked for forensic laboratories in both the private and public sector. Her research interests focus on optimizing presumptive biological testing and collection of material from crime scenes.  In addition to teaching, Prof. Brodeur is the faculty co-advisor for the student forensic science organization, chair of the program admissions committee, and founding Associate Director of the BMFS program.  She recently served for two years as President of the Council of Forensic Science Educators.  (abrodeur@bu.edu)

Full-Time Faculty

Celeste M. Wareing, MS
Instructor, Biomedical Forensic Sciences 

Prof. Wareing teaches forensic toxicology and is a board-certified forensic toxicologist by the American Board of Forensic Toxicology.  Prior to transitioning to academia, she was employed for 17.5 years with the New Hampshire State Police Forensic Laboratory in the Toxicology Unit performing both qualitative and quantitative case work in post-mortem, DUI, and inmate/probation/parole analysis.  She is a member of the Society of Forensic Toxicologists Drug Facilitated Crime Committee and is a technical assessor in toxicology for the American National Standards Institute – National Accreditation Board.  Current research interests include emerging issues related to forensic toxicology with an emphasis on drug facilitated crimes(cwareing@bu.edu)  

Adam B. Hall, PhD
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Forensic Sciences

Dr. Hall is a forensic chemist specializing in the areas of  fire debris and explosives analysis.  Prior to his current appointment he served as the Director of the Mass Spectrometry Facility within the Barnett Institute of Chemical and Biological Analysis – Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. He received a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Stonehill College, a Master’s degree in Chemistry and a PhD in Analytical Chemistry, from Northeastern University. Prior to his academic career, Dr. Hall was employed by the Massachusetts State Police Crime Laboratory as a forensic chemist and crime scene responder. (adamhall@bu.edu)