SAS Faculty & Staff Agreement
Use the link on this page to obtain access information for SAS software available at Boston University.
SAS site-licensed software is only available to current Boston University Faculty and Staff. You will be required to enter a valid Boston University username and Kerberos password to access the software from Boston University. Licensing restrictions are indicated in bold text.
SAS Faculty and Staff Agreement
In exchange for granting me, as Faculty/Staff, the right to possess and use a copy of SAS Institute Inc., (“Software”) on my personal computer or workstation, I agree that:
(1) The software is the copyrighted property of SAS Institute Inc. (“Institute”). Neither I nor the Educational Institution own the software or any copies thereof which are being provided to me.
(2) The Educational Institution licenses the Software and annually pays a licensing fee to enable it to make limited numbers of copies available for use by faculty/staff. I agree to use the Software in connection with teaching and non-commercial research purposes in the U.S. only and understand that any commercial or profit-making use of the Software is strictly prohibited.
(3) Source code underlying the object code provided with the Software (“Source Code”) is an Institute trade secret which I am not authorized to access. I may not reverse assemble, reverse engineer or decompile the Software or otherwise attempt to access the Source Code.
(4) I will not copy the Software and will not permit access to the software by others.
(5) If I violate the terms of this Agreement, the Educational Institution has the right to take disciplinary action against me and SAS Institute Inc., has the right to take legal action against me.
(6) When I am no longer faculty/staff of the Educational Institution, or when requested to do so by SAS Institute, Inc., or the Educational Institution, I will return my copy of the Software to the appropriate official of the Educational Institution and delete or destroy any copies within my control.
The faculty/staff member and Educational Institution have read this Agreement, understand it, and accept its terms.
By clicking “I Agree” you are agreeing to the license above.