Mobile Services

Overview Boston University offers mobile services to support faculty and staff with business mobile plans, smartphone connectivity, and broadband access. Employees can take advantage of exclusive discounts on personal mobile plans. We also provide assistance with setting up and syncing mobile devices to access BU email, contacts, and calendars. Additionally, BU Mobile offers a suite of digital tools for iOS users.
Available To Faculty, Staff
Benefits For business use, BU offers you basic cellular, smartphone, and broadband service at a discounted rate. You can view your bill online and sync your mobile device to a BU server. Employees are also eligible for discounts on popular personal cell phone plans. Users with iOS devices, can use the free BU Mobile app.
Key Features
  • BUMC IT offers support for mobile devices, including setup, mobile synchronization, and troubleshooting of default applications and OS
  • Synchronize your e-mail, contacts, and calendar with your smartphone or other mobile device.
  • Employee discounts on personal cell service for most plans
  • Faculty and staff can sign up for mobile or smart phone service through BU, with department authorization.
  • Use BU Mobile to view BU web pages on your iOS device.
  • View your monthly bill online.
Requirements None
Cost Varies depending on the plan and device you choose. BU Mobile is a free download.
Getting Started