Teaching & Learning Technologies

Overview We offer a full range of technology services that directly support teaching and learning, such as classroom technology, course management systems, e-portfolios, classroom capture systems, audience/student response systems, and other innovative uses of technology for learning.


If there is a classroom emergency, please call (617) 638-3000.

Available To Students, Faculty, Researchers, Staff, Departments, Alumni, Prospective Students, New/Incoming Students, Guests
Benefits Technology can help make teaching and learning more effective, both in the classroom and online. It can also simplify many aspects of course management.
Key Features
  • Unique technology education – training is offered for a variety of initiatives and needs –academic, administrative, and research.
  • Easily accessible – materials are available in the most common and effective web formats –including self-paced screencasts and downloadable PDF files.
  • Classes on administrative systems – specialized mainframe training is tailored to specific access requirements – secured systems training is available to employees with a verified need.
  • Special requests – we can evaluate and provide training to meet unique situations.
Requirements Individual service descriptions note any specific requirements.
Cost Most services are offered without charge; individual descriptions note exceptions.
Getting Started Browse the pages in this section to learn about the services that interest you: