Mobile Device Support

Overview BUMC IT provides support for mobile devices, including setup, synchronization, and minor troubleshooting for default applications and operating systems. Select your device below to find setup instructions and available support options.
Available To Faculty, Staff, Researchers, Departments
Benefits As a BUMC employee, you can use your mobile device on BU’s wireless network. If your mailbox is on Boston University’s central Microsoft Exchange server, as is the case for most faculty and staff, you can synchronize your e-mail, contacts, and calendar with your smartphone or other mobile device.  We’ve even created BU Mobile, a suite of applications for the iPhone.
Key Features
  • Setup mobile devices
  • Reconfiguration of mobile devices that have already been setup by BUMC IT
  • Minor troubleshooting of default applications and OS  (As a general rule, BUMC IT considers minor troubleshooting when less than 15 minutes are required to fix the problem)
Requirements One of the following mobile devices:

  • Apple iOS devices
  • Android-based Phones
  • Device with Microsoft ActiveSync
  • Blackberry with Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) Service Plan
  • Windows Mobile-based phones
Cost No charge for minor troubleshooting and setup of BUMC mobile services
Limitations BUMC IT will not provide support for:

  • Major troubleshooting of factory-installed applications and OS
  • Troubleshooting of client-installed applications and OS
  • Hardware repairs
  • Installation/Configuration of third-party applications
  • Data/phone service issue(s) regarding service provider

Getting Started Select your device  for instructions on setting up synchronization; or use the general ActiveSync instructions for devices that are not specified. Information is also available on Mobile Services for BU employees.