SAS Lite vs. Full
SAS is a complicated software package with several extraneous programs and packages the majority of SAS users will not need.
To lower the file size of the final SAS package, BUMC IT removes some unnecessary tools and products, while keeping almost everything else. The only things removed are items that are not pre-selected in the default package or are in the SAS install folder but not used in the install documentation.
For example, the following items are not in SAS 9.4 Lite (TS1M7) as of January 2023:
- SAS Migration Utility
- SAS Core Embedded Packages located in the standalone_installs folder
- SAS Enterprise Guide Independent Installer located in them standalone_installs
- GfK GeoMarketing CITIES Maps for SAS/GRAPH
- GfK GeoMarketing WORLD Maps for SAS/GRAPH