The Master of Science Program in Medical Anthropology & Cross-Cultural Practice is a two-year, full-time program that provides interdisciplinary training in medical anthropology and cross-cultural clinical and/or research practice.
The curriculum has been designed to provide you with a solid foundation in the theory and methods of medical anthropological and qualitative research, and in your own area of concentration. The combination of a core curriculum and elective courses allows you to design a program tailored to your intellectual and personal commitments and career plans.
The program requires research methods and theory courses, electives, a service-learning internship, summer fieldwork and professional development workshops. All students are required to attend designated sessions of the weekly Research-in-Progress meeting in the Department of Family Medicine. During their first year, they present and get feedback on their thesis research question. Following approval of their thesis, they present their findings to the group.
We encourage, but do not require, second-year students to submit abstracts to professional societies. To date, our students have presented both posters and papers at annual meetings of groups such as the Society for Medical Anthropology and the Society for Applied Anthropology. We are proud to report that every proposal submitted has, to date, been accepted.