
Year 1
The first year of study focuses primarily on coursework in general genetics and counseling skills. Clinical, laboratory, research, and advocacy experiences complement the didactic curriculum. In addition, students select a Capstone Project topic and begin their research during the second semester.
Semester 1
GMS GC 601 – Professional Issues in Genetic Counseling (3 credits)
This two-semester course addresses topics related to the development of a competent genetic counselor. Instructional content, combined with group discussions and student presentations, will cover the history and development of the profession, care across the lifespan, and ethical/social issues.
GMS GC 603 – Embryology, Teratology, and Prenatal Genetics (3 credits)
This course will review human embryology, the teratogenic factors leading to abnormal development, and the common indications for prenatal genetic counseling, including advanced maternal age, abnormal serum screening, ultrasound anomalies, diagnostic procedures, and prenatal complications.
GMS GC 605 – Clinical Applications in Human Genetics (4 credits)
This course will introduce students to the basic concepts and principles of human genetics and their clinical applications. Topics include the chromosomal, molecular, and biochemical basis of disease, prenatal diagnosis, genetic counseling, bioinformatics, and congenital anomalies.
GMS GC 606 - Genetic Counseling Seminar (2 credits)
The objectives of this Seminar series include teaching students how to critique the medical and social science literature, orienting students to the complexities involved with case presentations, and enabling students to reflect and think critically about their clinical experiences. Also included are case conference presentations from BU faculty, alums, or other area genetic counselors or professionals on interesting, challenging, or unique genetic counseling related cases or topics.
GMS GC 608 – Fundamentals of Counseling in Genetics (3 credits)
This course will provide students with an understanding and experience in the fundamental methods and techniques commonly employed in genetic counseling encounters. Emphasis is placed on the counseling relationship attending and listening skills, cognitive interventions, roleplaying activities and the concerns commonly expressed by beginning counselors.
GMS GC 700 – Genetic Counseling Fieldwork I (2 credits)
The clinical and non-clinical fieldwork will provide student interaction with a wide array of genetic specialists. Direct patient contact in prenatal, pediatric, adult, cancer, and specialty genetics clinics will allow students to acquire cases for ABGC certification.
Semester 2
GMS GC 600 – Genetic Diagnosis and Laboratory Methods (3 credits)
This course will provide students the opportunity to learn laboratory techniques and methodologies relevant to the field of genetic counseling with multiple lectures/discussions related to results and interpretation from the genetic counseling perspective. Additionally, lab tours are scheduled.
GMS GC 601 – Professional Issues in Genetic Counseling, cont.
GMS GC 602 – Clinical Genetics (3 credits)
This course will provide information regarding etiology, features, testing, and treatment for a variety of genetic conditions. The topics are arranged by organ system to expand on the material covered in GMS GC603. Clinical case studies and presentations will supplement.
GMS GC 607 – Genetic Counseling Seminar (continued)
GMS GC 604 – Cancer Genetic Counseling (3 credits)
This course introduces students to the specialty of cancer genetics, through topics such as the biology of cancer, current cancer statistics and epidemiology, risk assessment, pathology, testing for cancer susceptibility genes, hereditary cancer syndromes, testing methodologies, treatment options, surveillance, survivorship, and psychosocial issues.
Summer I
GMS GC 702S – Genetic Counseling Fieldwork II (2 credits)
Year 2
The second year of study focuses on clinical experience and research project development. The coursework covers more advanced topics in medical genetics, professional issues and genetic counseling sub-specialties. The number of required credits decreases the second year to allow students adequate time to complete their research projects, acquire a robust array of fieldwork experiences and begin interviews for job placement.
Semester 3
GMS GC 712 - Metabolic Genetics/Advanced Risk Assessment
Section A covers screening, prevention, diagnosis, recurrence risk, treatment and prognosis for biochemical genetic disorders. Section B emphasizes mathematical techniques necessary for accurate genetic counseling, including empiric risk, probability, linkage, mapping, and Bayesian analysis.
GMS GC 606 – Genetic Counseling Seminar (continued)
GMS GC 703 – Genetic Counseling Fieldwork III (2 credits)
GMS GC 711 – Advanced Genetic Counseling (4 credits)
This two-semester course will cover advanced topics in genetic counseling, including research project design and implementation, personal growth, and professional development. It will build upon the students’ previous course work and clinical training to enhance their growing skill set as genetic counselors.
Semester 4
GMS GC 607 – Genetic Counseling Seminar (continued)
GMS GC 704 – Genetic Counseling Fieldwork IV (2 credits)
GMS GC 711 – Advanced Genetic Counseling, cont.
GMS GC 714 – Advanced Topics in Medical Genetics (3 credits)
This course will build from the basic genetic concepts covered in GMS GC605. Some of the topics addressed include autism spectrum disorders, direct to consumer testing, pain management, complex genetic mechanisms, chronic conditions, screening programs, pharmacogenetics, and emerging genetics specialities.
GMS GC 716 –Social, Cultural, and Ethical Issues in Genetics
This course will address the social, cultural, and ethical issues encountered in genetics and genetic counseling. Topics include: basic principles of biomedical ethics, different scenarios that a genetic counselor may encounter, legal cases that have impacted the field of genetic counseling, and the ethics of emerging genetic technologies and practices including direct-to-consumer testing and gene therapy. Social and cultural issues in genetic counseling will be explored through case studies, addressing gender, race, religion, social class, disability, and sexual orientation.
Section A covers screening, prevention, diagnosis, recurrence risk, treatment and prognosis for biochemical genetic disorders. Section B emphasizes mathematical techniques necessary for accurate genetic counseling, including empiric risk, probability, linkage, mapping, and Bayesian analysis.
In addition, students must take:
- One BU graduate-level course in research design, research methodology and/or statistical analysis
- One BU graduate level course in counseling, public health and/or education
Together, these two courses should be ≥ 5 credits, for a minimum of 48 total credits. Students are also welcome to take elective courses throughout BUMC that align with their personal interests and professional goals.
Fieldwork and a Capstone Project are also required to fulfill degree requirements.