Coursework, Fieldwork and Capstone Projects

The Genetic Counseling Program is a full-time two-year program (two academic years and the intervening summer). We do not currently offer a part-time option. Candidates for the Master’s Degree in Genetic Counseling are expected to perform at high academic and professional standards.

Degree Requirements

1. Successful completion of 48 credit hours of coursework, research project development, and fieldwork placements.

2. Satisfactory grades, requiring a B- grade or better in all courses of credit. A grade below a B- in 8 credit hours or more is not permissible and results in termination or temporary exclusion from the program

3. A minimum of 10 hours of genetic education through avenues such as:

a. lectures to high school or college classes, resident groups, teachers’ courses or community forums
b. peer educational activities
c. class projects to develop patient, professional or community educational materials

4. Attendance and participation in a number of other activities, including:

a. weekly Genetic Counseling Seminar
b. a minimum of 8 grand rounds/seminars – (i.e. pediatric, OB/GYN, etc.) per year
c. a minimum of 20-30 hours of advocacy experience (including local support groups) during the first year

In addition, students are encouraged to attend local, regional, and national genetics conferences, as funds and time allow.