Program Publications, Grants and Presentations
Grant Funding
Dr. Pokines received a grant award for the 2022 National Institute of Justice FY22 Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes. His grant is entitled “Gull (Laridae) Taphonomy at Shoals Marine Laboratory, Maine, USA”. The proposed research will examine the dispersal and feeding damage caused on large vertebrate remains by seasonally nesting herring gulls and great black backed gulls. It is hypothesized that these Laridae species will disperse bone at greater distances than inland avian species due to their aggressive flocking behavior and vocal signaling of other birds upon the discovery of food sources. These results will be used to formulate best search and recovery practices for dispersed human remains in coastal environments.
J.T. Pokines, Co-PI, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant; PI: A. Nowell, University of Victoria; Applying a New Method of Deep Coring to Examine a Long-Term Archive of Human-Environment Dynamics Near the Dead Sea, Jordan. 2019-2020.
J.T. Pokines, Co-PI; Leakey Foundation General Grant; Protein Residue Analysis and Middle Pleistocene Dietary Adaptations (Azraq, Jordan). 2018-2019.
G.W. Reinecke, co-PI: Evaluation of The Use of A Contactless, Three-Dimensional Scanner for the Collecting postmortem fingerprints from unidentified human remains. National Institute of Justice.
G.W. Reinecke, co-PI: SBIR Phase I: Evaluation of The Use of A Contactless, Three-Dimensional Scanner for the Collection of Various Fingerprint Impressions. National Science Foundation, Grant 1621938, 07/01/2016-06/30/2017.
G.W. Reinecke, co-PI: Evaluation of the Use of a Non-Contact, 3D Scanner for Collecting Post Mortem Fingerprints, National Institute of Justice. 12/01/2015 – 04/30/2016
J.T. Pokines, co-PI: The Druze Marsh Paleolithic Project: An Archaeological and Paleoecological Study of a Desert Oasis in NW Jordan. Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Standard Research Grant. 5/2012-6/2016.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Fey, S. J., T. L. Moore, T. L., G. Reinecke, and J. T. Pokines (in press) The effects of household corrosive substances on the dissolution of complete pig (Sus scrofa) carcasses. Forensic Anthropology.
Pokines, J. T. (in press) The faunal remains. In The Madaba Archaeological Park Excavations (1992-1996), ed. by R. Schick and L. Erker. American Center of Research, Amman.
Adams DM, Bedard RJ, Blatt SH, Faisal , E, Goliath JR, Gregory-Alcock G, Gruenthal-Rankin A , Morales Lorenzo PN, Smith AC, Tallman SD, Hawke RT, Whitelaw H. (2024) Speaking Truth to Power: Toward a Forensic Anthropology of Advocacy and Activism. Humans, Contemporary Concerns and Considerations in Forensic Anthropology, 4, 66–90.
Saenz, NM, Tallman, SD (2024) Fracture variation in survivable versus fatal blunt force trauma associated with intimate partner violence. Forensic Science International, Vol 357.
Carriere, C, Tallman SD (2024) Assessing the utility of 3D modeling with photogrammetry in assigned sex estimation from the greater sciatic notch. Forensic Imaging, Vol 35.
Meloro RM, Tallman SD, Streed Jr. CG, Stowell J, Delgado TA, Haug JD, Redgrave A, Winburn AP. A framework for incorporating diverse gender identities into forensic anthropology casework and theory: Recommendations for inclusive practices. Current Anthropology (accepted Oct. 2023/in press).
Blain, H.-A., C. Sánchez-Bandera, J. F. Bisbal-Chinesta, M. Menschel, and J. T. Pokines (2023) Herpetological remains from the lower Magdalenian site of El Juyo (Cantabria, Spain): The challenge of reconstructing climate and landscape from poorly diverse assemblages. Historical Biology. DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2022.2162396.
Pokines, J. T. (2023) Thesis projects in forensic taphonomy. Forensic Anthropology 6(2):99-116.
Winburn AP, Tallman SD. (2023) Forensic anthropology. In: Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Third Edition, MM Houck, ed. 2:482-492. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-823677-2.00082-9.
Joshi MA, Tallman SD. (2023) Three-dimensional convolutional neural network for age-at-death estimation of deceased individuals through computed tomography scans. Forensic Imagining 34:200557. DOI: 10.1016/j.fri.2023.200557
Shamlou AA, Tallman SD. (2022) Frontal Sinus Morphological and Dimensional Variation as Seen on Computed Tomography Scans. Biology (Basel). Jul 29;11(8):1145. doi: 10.3390/biology11081145. PMID: 36009772
Zamora AC, Tallman SD. (2022) The role of diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) in positive identification. J Forensic Sci. 67(3):877-888. doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.14966. Epub 2021 Dec 29. PMID: 34967006
Kelley SR, Tallman SD. (2022) Population-inclusive assigned-sex-at-birth estimation from skull computed tomography scans. Forensic Sciences 67(3):877-888 DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.14966
Tallman SD, George RL, Baide AJ, Bouderdaben F, Craig AE, Garcia SS, Go MC, Goliath JR, Miller E, Pilloud MA. (2022) Barriers to entry and success in forensic anthropology. American Anthropologist 124(3):580-596. DOI: 10.1111/aman.13752
Adams DM, Goldstein JZ, Isa M, Kim J, Moore MK, Pilloud MA, Tallman SD, Winburn AP. (2022) A conversation on redefining ethical considerations in forensic anthropology. American Anthropologist 124(3): 597-612. DOI: 10.1111/aman.13753.
McCrane SM, Hsiao CJ, Tallman SD. (2022) Implementing an antiracist framework in forensic anthropology: Our responsibility in professional organizations and as scientists. American Anthropologist 124(3):575-579. DOI: 10.1111/aman.13754.
Hill, M. A., and J. T. Pokines, (2022) Comparative analysis of fetal pig decomposition processes in burials of variable depths and wrapping. Journal of Forensic Sciences 67(6):2192-2202.
Pokines, J. T. (2022) Preliminary study of gull (Laridae) scavenging and dispersal of vertebrate remains, Shoals Marine Laboratory, Coastal New England. Journal of Forensic Sciences 67(3):1149-1156.
L’Abbé, E. N., S. A. Symes, K. E. Stull, M. LaCroix, and J. T. Pokines (2022) Taphonomy and the timing of bone fractures in trauma analysis. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 474-501. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
L’Abbé, E. N., S. A. Symes, J. T. Pokines, T. Yuzwa, D. L. Messer, A. Stromquist, N. Keough, L. Liebenberg, and M. Liebenberg (2022) Thermal alteration to bone. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 503-553. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T. (2022) Faunal dispersal, reconcentration, and gnawing damage to bone in terrestrial environments. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 295-359. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T. (2022) Introduction: The importance and use of forensic taphonomic data. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 1-21. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T. (2022) Laws of taphonomic relative timing. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 695-715. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T., and J. E. Baker (2022) Effects of burial environment on osseous remains. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 103-161. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T., and J. E. Baker (2022) Effects of recovery methods. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 605-629. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T., S. E. Baker, and C. Pollock (2022) Avian taphonomy. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 581-604. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T., J. A. Beller, A. S. A. al-Souliman, O. Samawi, C. J. H. Ames, C. E. Cordova, and A. Nowell (2022) Radiometric dating of Wadi Zarqa Ma’in 1, a limestone sinkhole natural faunal trap near the Dead Sea, using data from test pitting and a portable coring system. Near Eastern Archaeology 85(3):192-199.
Pokines, J. T., and A. Blanton (2022) Experimental formation of coffin wear on bone. Forensic Anthropology 5(4):267-275.
Pokines, J. T., and N. D. Higgs (2022) Marine environmental alterations to bone. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 193-249. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T., and M. M. E. Jans (2022) Laboratory and field methods in forensic taphonomy. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 717-731. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T., C. Kryza-Gersch, and V. S. Reed (2022) Forensic anthropological analysis of a skull sculpture by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The Seventeenth Century 37(4):655-672.
Pokines, J. T., E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, editors (2022) Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T., and C. Spiegel (2022) Subaerial weathering and other terrestrial surface taphonomic processes. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 403-441. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Rufà, A., R. Blasco, M. Menschel, and J. T. Pokines (2022) Avian remains from El Juyo, Lower Magdalenian Cantabrian Spain. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 46:103713.
Schneider, C., J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and B. Pobiner (2022) Reptile taphonomy. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 667-693. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Yucha, J. M., A. R. Klales, E. J. Bartelink, and J. T. Pokines (2022) Contemporary cultural alterations to bone: Anatomical, ritual, and trophy. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 251-293. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
2022 Shamlou AA, Tallman SD. “Frontal sinus morphological and dimensional variation as seen on computed tomography scans.” Biology 11(8):1145. DOI: 10.3390/biology11081145.
2022 Kelley SR, Tallman SD. “Population-inclusive assigned-sex-at-birth estimation from skull computed tomography scans.” Forensic Sciences 2(2):321-348. DOI: 10.3390/forensicsci2020024.
2022 Zamora AC, Tallman SD. “The role of diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) in positive identification.” Journal of Forensic Sciences 67(3):877-888. DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.14966.
2022 Tallman SD, Kincer CD, Plemons ED. “Centering transgender individuals in forensic anthropology and expanding binary sex estimation in casework and research.” Forensic Anthropology 5(2):161-180. DOI: 10.5744/fa.2020.0030.
2022 Winburn AP, Tallman SD, Scott AL, Bird CE. “Changing the mentorship paradigm: Survey data and interpretations from forensic anthropology practitioners.” Forensic Anthropology 5(2):115-132. DOI: 10.5744/fa.2020.4028.
2022 Tallman SD, Bird CE. “Diversity and inclusion in forensic anthropology: Where we stand and prospects for the future.” Forensic Anthropology 5(2):84-101. DOI: 10.5744/fa.2020.3001.
2022 Tallman SD, George RL, Baide AJ, Bouderdaben F, Craig AE, Garcia SS, Go MC, Goliath JR, Miller E, Pilloud MA. “Barriers to entry and success in forensic anthropology.” American Anthropologist 124(3):580-596. DOI: 10.1111/aman.13752.
2022 Adams DM, Goldstein JZ, Isa M, Kim J, Moore MK, Pilloud MA, Tallman SD, Winburn AP=. “A conversation on redefining ethical considerations in forensic anthropology.” American Anthropologist 124(3): 597-612. DOI: 10.1111/aman.13753.
2022 McCrane SM, Hsiao CJ, Tallman SD. “Implementing an antiracist framework in forensic anthropology: Our responsibility in professional organizations and as scientists.” American Anthropologist 124(3):575-579. DOI: 10.1111/aman.13754.
2021 Tallman SD, Parr NM, Winburn AP. “Assumed differences; unquestioned typologies: The oversimplification of race and ancestry in forensic anthropology.” Forensic Anthropology 4(4):73-96. DOI: 10.5744/fa.2020.0046.
2021 Sanchez A, Tallman SD, Winburn AP, Stefanik J. “The effects of orthopedic pathological conditions and systemic diseases on the prevalence of hip arthritis in modern African- and European-Americans.” HOMO-Journal of Comparative Human Biology 72(3):183-203. DOI: 10.1127/homo/2021/1329.
2021 Winburn AP, Clemmons C, Delgado T, Hartley S, Latham K, Pilloud MA, Tallman SD. “Strengthening the American Academy of Forensic Sciences vision, mission, and values statements: Critiques, revisions, and proposed actions.” Forensic Science International: Synergy 3 (100197). DOI: 10.1016/j.fsisyn.2021.100197.
Rufà, A., R. Blasco, M. Menschel, and J. T. Pokines (in press) Avian remains from El Juyo, Lower Magdalenian Cantabrian Spain. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.
Hill, M., and J. T. Pokines (2022) Comparative analysis of fetal pig decomposition processes in burials of variable depths and wrapping. Journal of Forensic Sciences.
Pokines, J. T., J. A. Beller, A. S. A. al-Souliman, O. Samawi, C. J. H. Ames, C. E. Cordova, and A. Nowell (2022) Radiometric dating of Wadi Zarqa Ma’in 1, a limestone sinkhole natural faunal trap near the Dead Sea, using data from test pitting and a portable coring system. Near Eastern Archaeology 85(3):192-199.
Pokines, J. T., and A. Blanton (2022) Experimental formation of coffin wear on bone. Forensic Anthropology. DOI: 10.5744/fa.2022.0002.
Pokines, J. T. (2022) Preliminary study of gull (Laridae) scavenging and dispersal of vertebrate remains, Shoals Marine Laboratory, coastal New England. Journal of Forensic Sciences 67(3):1149-1156.
Pokines, J. T., C. Kryza-Gersch, and V. S. Reed (2022) Forensic anthropological analysis of a skull sculpture by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The Seventeenth Century 37(4):655-672.
Ames, C. J. H., C. E. Cordova, K. Boyd; C. Schmidt, D. Degering, J. Kalbe, B. G. Jones, A. Dosseto, J. T. Pokines, A. S. Alsouliman, J. Beller, and A. Nowell (2021) Middle to Late Quaternary Palaeolandscapes of the central Azraq basin, Jordan: Deciphering discontinuous records of human-environment dynamics at the arid margin of the Levant. Quaternary International. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2021.10.007.
Church, E., J. T. Pokines, and C. J. H. Ames (2021) The forensic utility of photogrammetry in surface scene documentation. Forensic Anthropology 4(1):30-44.
Gough, M., J. T. Pokines, and S. Botch-Jones (2021) Experimental study of white heat line formation in burned bone using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Forensic Anthropology 4(2):104-117.
Menschel, M., J. T. Pokines, and G. Reinecke (2021) Correlation between saw blade width and kerf width. Journal of Forensic Sciences 66(1):25-43.
Pokines, J. T. (2021) Laws of taphonomic relative timing and their application to forensic contexts. Forensic Anthropology 4(1):1-14.
Pokines, J. T., S. Kelley, A. Muschal, I. Liggett, A. Zamora, M. Hill, S. Sater, A. Shamlou, and M. O’Brien (2021) Bone dispersal by vertebrate taxa in an urban park environment in New England, USA. Forensic Science International 327:110982.
Udoni, M. M., J. T. Pokines, and T. L. Moore (2021) Experimental study of black bear (Ursus americanus) and grizzly bear (U. arctos) tooth marks and other gnawing damage on bone. Forensic Anthropology 4(2):71-87.
Bartelink, E. J., D. C. Boyd, D. L. France, J. T. Pokines, and D. Prince-Zinni (2020) The American Board of Forensic Anthropology turns 40: Historical perspectives and current trends in certification for forensic anthropology. Forensic Anthropology 3(2):102-110.
Boyd, D. C., E. J. Bartelink, N. V. Passalacqua, J. T. Pokines, and M. A. Tersigni-Tarrant (2020) The American Board of Forensic Anthropology’s certification program. Forensic Anthropology 3(2):112-119.
Pokines, J. T., M. Menschel, S. Mills, E. Janowiak, R. Satish, C. Kincer, and S. Soltani (2020) Experimental formation of marine abrasion on bone and the forensic postmortem interval. Forensic Anthropology3(4):175-189.
Peace, B. N., J. T. Pokines, P. M. Cummings, and A. G. Harbaugh (2020) Examination of hacking and blunt force skeletal trauma. Journal of Forensic Sciences 65(5):1416-1423.
Pokines, J. T., M. M. Udoni, S. Sanders Stark, S. Cassidy, M. L. Atkinson, E. Church, C. L. File, M. K. Green, M. D. Herrera, G. S. Kilroy, B. N. Peace, B. J. Purcell, A. S. Reinman, A. M. Sanchez, and S. J. Springman (2019) Success rates of recovering teeth and infant-sized bones dispersed among leaf litter. Forensic Anthropology 2(3):168-177.
Pokines, J. T., A. M. Lister, C. J. H. Ames, A. Nowell, and C. E. Cordova (2019) Faunal remains from recent excavations at Shishan Marsh 1 (SM1), a Late Lower Paleolithic open-air site in the Azraq Basin, Jordan. Quaternary Research 91(2):768-791.
Tallman, S.D. and C.E. Bird (in press). Diversity and inclusion in forensic anthropology: Where we stand and prospects for the future. Forensic Anthropology.
Kilroy, G.S., Tallman, S.D. and E.A. DiGangi (2020). Secular change in morphological cranial and mandibular trait frequencies in European Americans born 1824-1987. American Journal of Physical Anthropology DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.24115.
Christensen, A. M. and J. T. Pokines (2020) Discovery context of skeletal remains received at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Laboratory. Forensic Anthropology 3(1):1-5.
Tallman, S.D. and A.I. Blanton (2020). Distal humerus morphological variation and sex estimation in modern Thai individuals. Journal of Forensic Sciences 65(2):361-371.
Atkinson, M.L. and S.D. Tallman (2020). Nonmetric cranial trait variation and ancestry estimation in Asian and Asian-derived groups. Journal of Forensic Sciences 65(3):692-706.
Herrera, M.D. and S.D. Tallman (2019). Craniometric variation and ancestry estimation in two contemporary Caribbean populations. Forensic Science International 395:1-8.
Patterson, MM and Tallman, SD. (2019). Cranial and Postcranial Metric Sex Estimation in Modern Thai and Ancient Native American Individuals. Forensic Anthropology 2(4):233-252.
Tallman, SD. (2019). Cranial Nonmetric Sexual Dimorphism and Sex Estimation in East and Southeast Asian Individuals. Forensic Anthropology 2(4):204-221.
Go, M.C., Tallman, S.D. and J. Kim (2019). Advances in forensic anthropological research in East and Southeast Asia. Forensic Anthropology 2(4):197-203.
Pokines, J. T., A. M. Lister, C. J. H. Ames, A. Nowell, and C. E. Cordova (2019) Faunal remains from recent excavations at Shishan Marsh 1 (SM1), a Late Lower Paleolithic open-air site in the Azraq Basin, Jordan. Quaternary Research 91(2):768-791.
Pokines, J. T., M. M. Udoni, S. Sanders Stark, S. Cassidy, M. L. Atkinson, E. Church, C. L. File, M. K. Green, M. D. Herrera, G. S. Kilroy, B. N. Peace, B. J. Purcell, A. S. Reinman, A. M. Sanchez, and S. J. Springman (2019) Success rates of recovering teeth and infant-sized bones dispersed among leaf litter. Forensic Anthropology 2(3):168-177.
Pirtle, D., Magni, P.A., Reinecke, G.W., Dadour, I.R. (2019) Barnacle colonization of shoes: Evaluation of a novel approach to estimate the time spent in water of human remains. Forensic Science International, 294: 1-9.
Federchook, T. J., J. T. Pokines, K. Crowley, and C. M. Grgicak (2019) Recovery of DNA from teeth exposed to variable temperatures. Forensic Anthropology 2(3):143-151.
Pokines, J. T., S. Robinson, J. Mansz, N. Heidel, K. Jasny, J. Gilligan, A. Carmona, J. Kroll, S. Lavigne, and S. Calle (2019) Success rates of forensic surface search for osseous remains in a New England, U.S.A. environment. Forensic Anthropology, 2(1):9-20.
Trapp, B.M. and S.D. Tallman (2018). The effects of household corrosive acids on saver amalgam and porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations and non-restored teeth. Forensic Science International 293:77-85.
Tallman, S.D. and M.C. Go (2018). Application of the optimized summer scored attributes method to sex estimation in Asian crania. Journal of Forensic Sciences 63:809-814.
Pokines, J. T., K. Mammano, M. Studebaker-Reed, J. Mowery, M. Patterson, C. Schneider, B. Trapp, and C. Mincher(2018) Success rates of recovering dispersed bones among leaf litter. Forensic Anthropology 1(4):189-200.
Berger, J., J. T. Pokines, and T. L. Moore (2018) Analysis of class characteristics of reciprocating saws. Journal of Forensic Sciences. DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.13759.
Pollock, C., J. T. Pokines, and J. Bethard (2018) Organic staining on bone from exposure to wood and other plant materials. Forensic Science International 283:200-210.
Pokines, J. T. (2018) Differential diagnosis of the taphonomic histories of common types of forensic osseous remains. Journal of Forensic Identification 68(1):87-145.
Pokines, J. T. and C. Pollock (2018) The small scavenger guild of Massachusetts, U.S.A. Forensic Anthropology 1(1):52-67.
Pokines, J. T., K. Faillace, J. Berger, D. Pirtle, M. Sharpe, A. Curtis, K. Lombardi, and J. Admans (2018) The effects of repeated wet-dry cycles as a component of bone weathering. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 17:433-441.
Mella, M, Schweitzer, B, Mallet, C.R., Moore, T.L., and Botch-Jones, S. (2017). Detection of cocaine and metabolites in bone following decomposition using 2D LC-MS-MS. Journal of Analytical Toxicology.
Brennaman, A., K. Love-Myers, J. D. Bethard, and J. T. Pokines (2017) A Bayesian approach to age-at-death estimation from osteoarthritis of the shoulder in modern North Americans. Journal of Forensic Sciences 62(3):573-584.
Newcomb, A., J. T. Pokines, and T. E. Moore (2017) Taphonomic effects of mechanical plowing on buried juvenile remains. Journal of Forensic Sciences 62(1):67-73.
Pokines, J. T., N. Appel, C. Pollock, C. J. Eck, A. G. Maki, A. S. Joseph, L. Cadwell, and C. D. Young (2017) Anatomical taphonomy at the source: Alterations to a sample of 84 teaching skulls at a medical school. Journal of Forensic Identification 67(4):600-632.
Pokines, J. T., C. J. Eck, and M. E. Sharpe (2017) Sources of skeletal remains at a chief medical examiner’s office: Who finds the bones? Journal of Forensic Identification 67(2):278-299.
Pokines, J. T., R. Sussman, M. Gough, C. Ralston, E. McLeod, K. Brun, A. Kearns, and T. L. Moore (2017) Taphonomic analysis of Rodentia and Lagomorpha bone gnawing based upon incisor size. Journal of Forensic Sciences 62(1):50-66.
Santana, S., J. D. Bethard, and T. L. Moore (2017) Accuracy of dental age in non-adults: A comparison of two methods for age-estimation using radiographs of developing teeth. Journal of Forensic Sciences 62(5):1320-1325.
Voss, S., P. A. Magni, I. R. Dadour, and C. Nansen (2017) Reflectance-based determination of age and species of blowfly puparia. International Journal of Legal Medicine 131(1):263-274.
Yucha, J. P., J. T. Pokines, and E. J. Bartelink (2017) A comparative taphonomic analysis of 24 trophy skulls from modern forensic cases. Journal of Forensic Sciences 62(5):1266-1278.
Agaian, S. S, R. D. Yeole, M. Mulawka, M. Troy, and G. W. Reinecke (2016) Missing data reconstruction using Gaussian mixture models for fingerprint images. Mobile Multimedia Image Processing, Security and Applications 9869, 1-13.
Magni, P. A., S. S. Dhaliwal, and I. R. Dadour (2016) Effect of continuous and cyclic exposure to a cold environment on the development of larvae of Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in different sized larval masses. Journal of Medical Entomology 53(4):782-789.
Magni, P. A., M. Pazzi, M. Vincenti, E. Alladio, M. Brandimarte, and I. R. Dadour (2016) Development and validation of a GC-MS method for nicotine detection in Calliphora vomitoria (L.) (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Forensic Science International 261:53-60.
McIntosh, C. S., I. R. Dadour, and S. C. Voss (2016) A comparison of carcass decomposition and associated insect succession onto burnt and unburnt pig carcasses. International Journal of Legal Medicine 261:53-60.
Nowell, A., C. Walker, C. E. Cordova, C. J. H. Ames, J. T. Pokines, D. Stueber, R. DeWitt, and A. S. A. al-Souliman (2016) Middle Pleistocene subsistence in the Azraq Oasis, Jordan: Protein residue and other proxies. Journal of Archaeological Science 72:36-44.
Pokines, J. T., S. A. Santana, J. D. Hellar, P. Bian, A. Downs, N. Wells, and M. D. Price (2016) The taphonomic effects of eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) gnawing upon bone. Journal of Forensic Identification 66(4):349-375.
Pokines, J. T., R. E. King, D. D. Graham, A. K. Costello, D. M. Adams, J. M. Pendray, K. Rao, and D. S. Siwek (2016) The effects of experimental freeze-thaw cycles to bone as a component of subaerial weathering. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 6:594-602.
Pokines, J. T. and K. Springer (2016) A case of localized corrosion on bone caused by chemical contact. Journal of Forensic Identification 66(3):173-186.
Pokines, J. T. (2016) Taphonomic alterations to terrestrial surface-deposited human osseous remains in a New England, U.S.A. environment. Journal of Forensic Identification 66(1):59-78.
Pokines, J. T. and J. De La Paz (2016) Recovery rates of human fetal skeletal remains using varying mesh sizes. Journal of Forensic Sciences 61(S1):S184-S189.
Pokines, J. T., D. P. Zinni, and K. Crowley (2016) Taphonomic patterning of cemetery remains received at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Boston, Massachusetts. Journal of Forensic Sciences 61(S1):S71-S81.
L’Abbé, E. N., S. A. Symes, J. T. Pokines, L. L. Cabo, K. E. Stull, S. Kuo, D. E. Raymonds, P. S. Randolph-Quinney, and L. R. Berger (2015) Evidence of fatal skeletal injuries on Malapa Hominins 1 and 2. (Nature) Scientific Reports 5:15120.
Nansen, C., L. P. Ribeiro, I. R. Dadour, and J. D. Roberts (2015) Detection of temporal changes in insect body reflectance in response to killing agents. PLoS One 10(4):e0124866. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0124866
Magni, P. A., S. Voss, R. Testi, M. Borrini, and I. R. Dadour (2015) A biological and procedural review of forensically significant Dermestes species (Coleoptera: Dermestidae). Journal of Medical Entomology 52(5):755-769.
Pokines, J. T. (2015) Taphonomic alterations by the rodent species woodland vole (Microtus pinetorum) upon human skeletal remains. Forensic Science International 257:e16-e19.
Pokines, J. T. (2015) Identification of nonhuman remains received in a medical examiner setting. Journal of Forensic Identification 65(3):223-246.
Pokines, J. T. (2015) Taphonomic characteristics of former anatomical teaching specimens received at a Medical Examiner’s office, MA. Journal of Forensic Identification 65(2):173-195.
Pokines, J. T. (2015) A procedure for processing outdoor surface forensic scenes yielding skeletal remains among leaf litter. Journal of Forensic Identification 65(2):161-172.
Pokines, J. T. (2015) A Santería/Palo Mayombe ritual cauldron containing a human skull and multiple artifacts recovered in western Massachusetts, U.S.A. Forensic Science International 248:e1-e7.
Pokines, J. T. and C. J. H. Ames (2015) Weathering and dispersal of a cattle (Bos taurus) carcass in the desert of eastern Jordan over a six-year interval. Journal of Taphonomy 13(1):17-31.
Pokines, J. T. and C. J. H. Ames (2015) Test excavations at Wadi Zarqa Maʿin 1, a natural sinkhole faunal trap site, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 373:121-137.
Pokines, J. T. and N. Higgs (2015) Macroscopic taphonomic alterations to human bone in marine environments. Journal of Forensic Identification 65(6):953-984.
Ames, C. J. H., A. Nowell, C. E. Cordova, J. T. Pokines, and M. S. Bisson (2014) Paleoenvironmental change and settlement dynamics in the Druze Marsh: Results of recent excavation at an open-air Paleolithic site. Quaternary International 331:60-73.
Boaks, A., D. S. Siwek, and F. Mortazavi (2014) The temporal degradation of bone collagen: A histochemical approach. Forensic Science International 240:104-110.
Bethard, J. D. and B. L. Seet (2014) Sex determination from the second cervical vertebra: A test of Wescott’s method on a modern American sample. Journal of Forensic Sciences 58(3)101-103.
Pokines, J. T. (2014) Mammalian microfaunal remains from Khonkho Wankane (Late Formative Period), Mollo Kontu (Middle Horizon Period), and Pukara de Khonkho (Late Intermediate Period) in the Bolivian altiplano. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 24:505-516.
Siwek, D. S. and G. W. Reinecke (2014) Relaxation of clenched digits in cadaveric hands to facilitate the recovery of postmortem friction ridge impressions. Journal of Forensic Identification 64(1):13-17.
Pokines, J. T. (2013) Avian remains from Khonkho Wankane, an urban and ceremonial center in the southern Lake Titicaca Altiplano. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 23:746-756.
Cordova, C. E., A. Nowell, M. Bisson, C. J. H. Ames, J. T. Pokines, M. Chang, and M. al-Nahar (2013) Interglacial and glacial desert refugia and the Middle Paleolithic of the Azraq Basin, Jordan. Quaternary International 300:94-110.
Pokines, J. T. (2013) Herpetofaunal remains from Khonkho Wankane, an urban and ceremonial centre in the southern Lake Titicaca Altiplano: Unique behavioural correlates to osseous taphonomy. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 23:475-484.
Wilson, R. J., J. D. Bethard, and E. A. DiGangi (2012) The use of orthopedic surgical devices for forensic identification. Journal of Forensic Sciences 56(2):460-469.
Tallman, S.D. (2020). Diversity and inclusion in forensic anthropology. The STEM Village (
Tallman, S.D. (2020). Forensic anthropological reflections of the deceased. School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Tufts University, Boston, MA.
Card, G.K. and S.D. Tallman (2020). An examination of the variation in enthesial changes in human skeletal remains discovered in a 15th century necropolis in Mistihalj, Montenegro. Poser presented online at the 89th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Los Angeles, CA (canceled)
Mills, S. and S.D. Tallman (2020). Exploring sexual dimorphism of ancestral cranial nonmetric trans in modern European Americans. Poster presented online at the 89th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Los Angeles, CA (cancelled)
Dooley, E. and S.D. Tallman. Age-at-death estimation from features of the first rib. Poster presented online at the 89th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Los Angeles, CA (canceled).
Beller, J. A., A. Nowell, C. J. H. Ames, J. T. Pokines, C. Cordova, C. Walker, A. Asuliman, J. K. Murray, and D. Stueber (2020) Hominin survival at a desert refugium during the Middle Pleistocene: Results from the AMAPP excavations in Azraq, Jordan. Canadian Contributions to the Archaeology of Jordan (and Other Places): W. E. Aufrecht Occasional Workshops in Archaeology, 24-26 January, 2020, Lethbridge, AB.
Blanton, A.I., and S.D. Tallman (2019). Sexual dimorphism of the distal humerus using elliptical fourier analysis in modern Thai individuals. Podium presented at the 9th annual meeting of the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialog, Camden, NJ.
Daniels, J. and S.D. Tallman (2019). Sexual dimorphism of the mental eminence in Thai individuals: An approach using elliptical fourier analysis. Podium presented at the 9th annual meeting of the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialog, Camden, NJ.
Chaney, R., Tallman, S.D. and G.A. Harbaugh (2019). An examination of the subpubic region, greater sciatic notch, and obturator foramen in Thai individuals using elliptical fourier analysis. Podium presented at the 9th annual meeting of the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialog, Camden, NJ.
Dooley, E. and S.D. Tallman (2019). Age-at-death estimation from features of the first rib. Podium presented at the 9th annual meeting of the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialog, Camden, NJ.
Mills, S. and S.D. Tallman (2019). Exploring sexual dimorphism of ancestral cranial nonmetric traits in modern European Americans. Podium presented at the 9th annual meeting of the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialog, Camden, NJ.
Tallman, S.D. (2019). Forensic anthropology, archaeology, and the identification of U.S. service members. ArchaeoTek Archaeology’s Adult Osteology Research Workshop: Medieval Crisis Populations, Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania.
Card, G.K. and S.D. Tallman (2019). An examination of musculoskeletal stress markers from remains discovered in a 15th century necropolis in Mistihalj, Montenegro. Poster presented at the 22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Boston University, Boston, MA
Ames, C. J. H., C. Cordova, J. T. Pokines, A. Alsouliman, C. Schmidt, D. Degering, A. Dosseto, and A. Nowell (2019) Human-environment dynamics in Jordan’s eastern desert from 400,000-30,000 years ago: Modelling the Azraq wetlands palaeolandscape and regional settlement patterns. Paper to be presented at the XX INQUA Congress, 25-31 July, Dublin, Ireland.
Bartelink, E. J., D. Boyd, D. France, J. T. Pokines, and D. Prince Zinni (2019) The American Board of Forensic Anthropology examination turns 40: Historical perspectives and current trends in certification for forensic anthropology. Paper presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 18-23 February, Baltimore, MD.
Church, E<., J. T. Pokines, and C. J. H. Ames. (2019) Forensic utility of photogrammetry in surface scene documentation. Poster presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 18-23 February, Baltimore, MD.
Cordova, C., C. J. H. Ames, A. Alsouliman, A. Nowell, and J. T. Pokines (2019) Depositional environments, pollen, phytoliths, fauna, and hominins from Late Lower Paleolithic to Epipaleolithic on the northwest part of Paleolake Azraq. Paper to be presented at the XX INQUA Congress, 25-31 July, Dublin, Ireland.
Kilroy, G.S. and S.D. Tallman (2019) Secular Change in Macromorphoscopic Trait Frequencies in Modern European Americans. Poster presented at the 88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 29 March, Cleveland, OH.
Sanchez, A.M. and S.D. Tallman (2019) The Effects of Orthopedic Pathologies on the Prevalence of Hip Osteoarthritis. Poster presented at the 88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 29 March, Cleveland, OH.
Green, M.K. and S.D. Tallman (2019) Interpreting Intra-Population Variability from Dental Morphology and Tooth Dimensions of a Modern Seminole Native American Sample. Poster presented at the 88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 29 March, Cleveland, OH.
Atkinson M.L. and S.D. Tallman (2019) Nonmetric Cranial Trait Expression in Pre-Contact Southwest Native Americans and Modern Asians. Poster presented at the 88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 29 March, Cleveland, OH.
Tallman, S.D. and C.E. Bird (2019) Diversity and Inclusion in Forensic Anthropology: Where we Stand and Prospects for the Future. Podium presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 22 February, Baltimore, MD.
Patterson, M.M. and S.D. Tallman (2018) Cranial and Postcranial Metric Sex Determination between Modern Thai and Native American Populations. Poster presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 13 April, Austin, TX.
Kroll, J.A. and S.D. Tallman (2018) The Progression of Vertebral Osteoarthritis: Correlations between Vertebral Pathological Conditions and Sociodemographic Risk Factors. Poster presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 13 April, Austin, TX.
Jasny K.L. and S.D. Tallman (2018) The Effects of Cancer Treatment Induced Bone Loss on Morphological Sex Assessment. Poster presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 13 April, Austin, TX.
Mincher, C.E. and S.D. Tallman (2018) Enthesophytes: Correlation of Bony Growth at Tendon Insertion Sites with Sociodemographic Factors in European and African American Individuals. Poster Presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 13 April, Austin, TX.
Tallman, S.D. (2018) The Utility of Clavicular and Humeral Nonmetric Sex Assessment Methods in Japanese and Thai Individuals. Podium presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 21 February, Seattle, WA.
Eck, C., C. Pollock, N. Appel, J. T. Pokines, L. Cadwell, A. S. Joseph, A. Maki, and C. Young (2017) Alterations to a sample of teaching skulls at Boston University School of Medicine. Paper presented at the 12th John McCahan Medical Campus Education Day, 31 May 2017, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA.
Cordova, C., A. Nowell, C. J. J. Ames, J. T. Pokines, and A. Al-Suliman (2017) The environmental context of the Middle Pleistocene occupation at the Shishan Marsh, Azraq, Jordan. Paper presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology 30 March Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Joseph, A. S., J. T. Pokines, N. Appel, L. Cadwell, C. Eck, A. Maki, C. Pollock, and C. Young (2017) Anatomical taphonomy at the source: Alterations to a sample of teaching skulls at a medical school. Paper presented at the 21st Triennial Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences, 25 August, Toronto, Canada.
Nowell, A., D. Stueber, C. J. H. Ames, C. Cordova, and J. T. Pokines (2017) In small things remembered: Acheulian small tool assemblages at Shishan March (Jordan). Paper presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology 30 March 2017, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Pokines, J. T., A. Nowell, and C. J. H. Ames (2017) Faunal remains from recent excavations at Shishan Marsh 1 (SM1), a Late Lower Paleolithic open-air site in the Azraq Wetlands, Jordan. Paper presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology 30 March 2017, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Pollock, C. R., J. T. Pokines, and J. D. Bethard (2017) Organic staining on bone. Poster presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 15 February, New Orleans, LA.
Berger, J. M., J. T. Pokines, and T. L. Moore (2017) Reciprocating saws as tools of dismemberment. Poster presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 16 February 2017, New Orleans, LA.
Symes, S. A., E. N. L’Abbé, J. T. Pokines, L. L. Cabo, K. E. Stull, S. Kuo, D. E. Raymond, P. S. Randolph-Quinney, and L. R. Berger (2016) The application of forensic biomechanical principles of bone fractures to evaluate suspected injuries in the fossil record. Poster presented at the 85th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 14 April 2016, Atlanta, GA.
Price, M., J. T. Pokines, and J. D. Bethard (2016) Age estimation using the sternal end of the clavicle: A test of the Falys and Prangle (2014) archaeological method for forensic application. Poster presented at the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 24 February 2016, Las Vegas, NV.
Peschel, EP Bethard, JD and Beaudry, MC (2015) Foreigners in Fröjel?: A Study of Mobility on a Viking Age Port of Trade in Gotland, Sweden. Podium presentation at the 84th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, St. Louis, Missouri, March 25-28.
Bethard, JD, DiGangi, EA and Sullivan, LP. (2015) Distinguishing impairment from disability in the bioarchaeological record: An example from DeArmond mound (40RE12) in east Tennessee. Invited poster presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, St. Louis, Missouri, March 25-28.
Rothwell, J, Hansen III, D., Bethard, JD, Gonciar, A and Nyaradi, Z. (2015) Legions of lesions: An examination of the severity and prevalence of dental caries in medieval Bögöz. Poster presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, St. Louis, Missouri, March 25-28.
Nowell, A., D. Stueber, C. Cordova, J. T. Pokines, and C. Ames (2015) Getting blood from a stone: Residue and use-wear analysis of bifaces from Shishan Marsh 1 (Jordan). Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American School for Oriental Research, 18 November 2015, Atlanta, GA.
Kelmelis, K, Bethard, JD, Moore, TL and Boldsen, J. (2015) Buried within the abbey walls: paleopathological examination of leprosy. Poster presented at the 41st Annual North American Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, St. Louis, Missouri, March 24-25.
Cordova, C. E., A. Nowell, C. J. H. Ames, J. T. Pokines, R. DeWitt, and A. Al-Souliman (2015) Geoarchaeology of complex stratigraphic contexts in the Paleolithic of the Azraq-Shishan, Jordan: A preliminary reconstruction of paleolandscapes. Poster presented at the XIX INQUA Congress, 31 July 2015, Nagoya, Japan.
Nowell, A., D. Stueber, C. Cordova, J. T. Pokines, and C. Ames (2015) Getting blood from a stone: Blood residue and use-wear analysis of bifaces from Shishan Marsh 1 (Azraq, Jordan). Paper presented at the XIX INQUA Congress, 29 July 2015, Nagoya, Japan.
Brennaman, A. L., K. Love-Myers, J. D. Bethard, and J. T. Pokines (2015) Age estimation from osteoarthritis of the shoulder in modern North Americans. Poster presented at the 84th
Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 28 March 2015, St. Louis, MO.
Adams, D., J. T. Pokines, and J. Bethard (2015) Odontometric differentiation between Southwest Hispanics, Native Americans, and European Americans. Paper presented at the 67th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 20 February 2015, Orlando, FL.
L’Abbé, E. N., S. A. Symes, P. Randolph-Quinney, J. T. Pokines, K. E. Stull, S. Kuo, and L. R. Berger (2014) Applying a biomechanical approach to the interpretation of skeletal trauma on bone fractures from the 1.98 Mya hominin, Australopithecus sediba.Paper presented at the 42nd Anatomical Society of Southern Africa Congress, Stellenbosch, South Africa; 13 April 2014.
Bethard, JD, Osterholtz, AJ, Gonciar, A, and Nyaradi, Z (2014). Of Infants and Elderly: A Bioarchaeological Analysis of a 17th-Century Mortuary Context from Transylvania, Romania. Paper presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin, TX, April 23-27.
Ames, C. J. H., A. Nowell, J. T. Pokines, and C. E. Cordova (2014) New evidence of Paleolithic occupation in the Shishan Marsh, Jordan: Report on the 2013 field season of the Azraq Marshes Archaeological and Paleoecological Project. Paper presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, 26 April 2014, Austin, TX.
Kalbe, J., C. Ames, A. Nowell, C. Cordova, and J. T. Pokines (2014) Pleistocene wetlands in the Jordan desert―Environmental reconstructions by ostracod and gastropod analysis. Paper presented at the Middle Palaeolithic in the Desert II Conference, 11 December 2014, Bordeaux.
Randolph-Quinney, P., J. T. Pokines, S. A. Symes, E. N. L’Abbé, L. Backwell, J. Brophy, A. Parkinson, A. Val, R. Keeling, and L. Berger (2014) The Prodigal Child returns: The application of forensic taphonomic analyses to palaeoanthropological assemblages—Case examples from the Malapa hominin deposit. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA.
Bethard, JD. Osterholtz, AJ, Gonciar, A, and Nyaradi, Z. (2014). A bioarchaeological study of childhood mortality in 17th century Transylvania. Poster presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Calgary, Alberta, April 8 – 12.
Fu, CA, Hensen, T, and Bethard, JD (2014). Validation Study of the Ubelaker and London Dental Atlases. Poster presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Calgary, Alberta, April 8 – 12.
Stuck, J, Wallace, S, and Bethard, JD, Gonciar, A and Nyaradi, Z (2014) The Mysterious Elder: A Bioarchaeological analysis of Burial 61 at Telekfalva, Harghita Romania. Poster presented at the 41st Annual North American Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Calgary, Alberta, April 8-9.
Row, K, Bethard, JD, and Hall, AB (2014). Strontium Isotopes and Geolocation: The Pathway for Identification of Victims in Medellín, Colombia. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle WA, February 17-22.
Lustig, A, Bethard, JD, and Hall, AB (2014). The Analysis and Variance of Strontium Isotopes in a Forensic Context: Determination of Geolocation Reliability for a Modern New England Population. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle WA, February 17-22.
Osterholtz, AJ, Bethard, JD, Gonciar, A and Nyaradi, Z (2014). Possible Prenatal and Perinatal Scurvy at Telekfalva, Romania” by. Poster presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Calgary, Alberta, April 8 – 12.
Petersen, A. T., J. T. Pokines, and G. W. Reinecke (2014) Comparing feral pig and coyote scavenging and dispersal patterns in the greater Yosemite ecosystem, CA, USA. Poster presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 20 February 2014, Seattle, WA.
De La Paz, JS, Bethard, JD, Hammers, JL and Berryman, HE (2014) Distinguishing Homicides and Suicides in Firearm Fatalities: The Role of Skeletal Trauma Analysis. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle WA, February 17-22.
Jones, M, Bethard, JD, Dudgeon, J and Holmer, M. (2014). Trace Element Analysis of Human Tooth Enamel by LA-ICP-MS for Estimating Region of Origin. Poster presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle WA, February 17-22.
Cordova, C. E., A. Nowell, M. Bisson, C. J. H. Ames, J. T. Pokines, M. Chang, and M. al-Nahar (2013) Interglacial and glacial desert refugia and the Middle Paleolithic of the Azraq Oasis, Jordan. International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan, 10 May 2013, Berlin, Germany.
Bethard, JD (2013). A bioarchaeological study of Inka resettlement dynamics: insight from biological distance analysis. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Northeast Conference of Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory, New Haven, CT, October 16-17.
Bethard, JD and DiGangi, EA. (2013). The Problem of Estimating Sex From the Skull: A Comparison of Methods Applied to a Modern Colombian Sample. Paper presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Washington, D.C., February 18 – 23.
Bethard, JD and Moore, MK (2013). The legacy of Dr. Karen Ramey Burns: a focus on the individual in forensic and bioarchaeological contexts. Poster presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Knoxville, TN, April 9 – 13.
Woods, K. N. and J. T. Pokines (2013) Analysis of nonhuman skeletal material received in a medical examiner setting. Poster presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 20 February 2013, Washington, DC.
Book Chapters
L’Abbé, E. N., S. A. Symes, K. E. Stull, M. LaCroix, and J. T. Pokines (2022) Taphonomy and the timing of bone fractures in trauma analysis. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 474-501. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
L’Abbé, E. N., S. A. Symes, J. T. Pokines, T. Yuzwa, D. L. Messer, A. Stromquist, N. Keough, L. Liebenberg, and M. Liebenberg (2022) Thermal alteration to bone. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 503-553. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T. (2022) Faunal dispersal, reconcentration, and gnawing damage to bone in terrestrial environments. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 295-359. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T. (2022) Introduction: The importance and use of forensic taphonomic data. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 1-21. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T. (2022) Laws of taphonomic relative timing. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 695-715. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T., and J. E. Baker (2022) Effects of burial environment on osseous remains. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 103-161. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T., and J. E. Baker (2022) Effects of recovery methods. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 605-629. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T., S. E. Baker, and C. Pollock (2022) Avian taphonomy. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 581-604. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T., and N. D. Higgs (2022) Marine environmental alterations to bone. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 193-249. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T., and M. M. E. Jans (2022) Laboratory and field methods in forensic taphonomy. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 717-731. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T., and C. Spiegel (2022) Subaerial weathering and other terrestrial surface taphonomic processes. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 403-441. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Schneider, C., J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and B. Pobiner (2022) Reptile taphonomy. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 667-693. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Yucha, J. M., A. R. Klales, E. J. Bartelink, and J. T. Pokines (2022) Contemporary cultural alterations to bone: Anatomical, ritual, and trophy. In Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.), ed. by J. T. Pokines, E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, pp. 251-293. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T. (2020) The case of the… cases: The flow of the ordinary into a medical examiner’s office. In Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology: Bonified Skeletons, ed. by H. Garvin and N. Langley, pp. 291-302. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T. (2020) The case of the… cases: The flow of the ordinary into a medical examiner’s office. In Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology: Bonified Skeletons, ed. by H. Garvin and N. Langley, pp. 291-302. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T. (in press) Pseudotrauma and taphonomy. In Bone Fracture Interpretation in Anthropology and the Forensic Sciences ed. by S. A. Symes and E. N. L’Abbé. Elsevier.
Pokines, J. T. and M. A. Tersigni-Tarrant (2017) Forensic taphonomy. In Forensic Anthropology: An Introduction (2nd edition) ed. by M. A. Tersigni-Tarrant and N. R. Shirley. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 57-77.
Gaither, C., Kent, J., Bethard, J.D., Vasquez, V.S. and Rosales, T.T. (In Press). Precious Gifts: Mortuary Patterns and the Shift from Animal to Human Sacrifice at Santa Rita B in the Middle Chao Valley, Peru. In H.D. Klaus and J.M. Toyne (Eds.), Reconstructing Sacrifice on the North Coast of Peru: Archaeological Studies of Ritual Violence in the Ancient Andes. University of Texas Press.
Kent, J.D., Tham, T.R., Sánchez, V.V., Gaither, C.M. and Bethard, J.D. “The Camelid Sacrifices of Santa Rita B: An Agropastoral Site in the Chao Valley, North Coastal Peru” In J. M.Capriles and N. Tripcevich (Eds.), The Archaeology of Andean Pastoralism. The University of New Mexico Press.
Bisson, M. S., A. Nowell, C. E. Cordova, M. Poupart, J. T. Pokines, and B. Ghaleb (2014) WE-2: The Middle Paleolithic of the Wādī Al-‘Unqiyya Revisited. In Prehistoric Jordan: Recent and Future Research, edited by W. Finlayson and G. Rollefson. Department of Antiquities, Amman, Jordan, pp. 35-47.
Higgs, N. and J. T. Pokines (2014) Marine environmental alterations to bone. Manual of Forensic Taphonomy ed. by J. T. Pokines and S. A. Symes, pp. 143-179. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Junod, C. A. and J. T. Pokines (2014) Subaerial weathering. Manual of Forensic Taphonomy ed. by J. T. Pokines and S. A. Symes, pp. 287-314. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
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Pokines, J. T. (2014) Faunal dispersal, aggregation, and gnawing damage to bone in terrestrial environments. Manual of Forensic Taphonomy ed. by J. T. Pokines and S. A. Symes, pp. 201-248. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
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Pokines, J. T. and S. E. Baker (2014) Avian taphonomy. Manual of Forensic Taphonomy ed. by J. T. Pokines and S. A. Symes, pp. 427-446. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Pokines, J. T., J. Hoskins, C. J. H. Ames, G. A. Kravitz, and J. Beck (2014) Taphonomic and paleoecological investigations in the Paleolithic of Northern Jordan. In Prehistoric Jordan: Recent and Future Research, edited by W. Finlayson and G. Rollefson. Department of Antiquities, Amman, Jordan, pp. 49-67.
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Pokines, J. T., E. N. L’Abbé, and S. A. Symes, editors (2022) Manual of Forensic Taphonomy (2nd ed.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 747 pp.
Pokines, J. T. and S. A. Symes, editors (2014) Manual of Forensic Taphonomy. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 481 pp.