Daniel Cifuentes, PhD, Studies RNA Regulation with Zebrafish and Viruses
This summer, Dr. Daniel Cifuentes, an assistant professor of biochemistry at Graduate Medical Sciences, received one of several $75,000 BU Ignition Awards aimed at helping promising research initiatives find a potential pathway to commercial success. The Cifuentes Lab works on a variety of projects that study the fundamental mechanisms of RNA regulation, a universal process for all life on Earth. RNA carries from the DNA the information necessary to create new proteins in the body, and faulty... More

GMS Anatomy & Neurobiology Professor Uses Artificial Intelligence to Better Predict Dementia Onset
Dr. Rhoda Au, professor of anatomy & neurobiology in Graduate Medical Sciences, is part of a research team working with artificial intelligence to predict dementia onset. The team is led by Dr. Vijaya B. Kolachalama, an assistant professor at Boston University School of Medicine who is an expert on using advanced computer technology to make more informed medical diagnoses. His team has created a deep learning algorithm that can predict where a person falls on the... More

GMS Students Receive Funding For Medical Device Designs
MInT, or the Medical Innovation and Technology entrepreneurship program, launched in spring 2021 thanks to innovation-minded graduate students from Graduate Medical Sciences at BUSM, College of Engineering, School of Public Health and Questrom School of Business. The goal of MInT is to empower early-career scientists with hands-on medical innovation design experience. Four teams of BU students pitched designs that won funding awards totaling approximately $12,000 from sponsors of MInT, including Innovate@BU/The BUild Lab and the Technology Development Office. The MInT... More

Providence/Boston Center for AIDS Research
As we continue to battle the ongoing pandemic of the COVID-19 virus, let’s not forget about the other major pandemic and public health crisis that has and continues to claim so many lives—the HIV/AIDS pandemic. A cure has yet to be found for this debilitating condition, but research efforts of investigators affiliated with the Providence/Boston Center for Aids Research (CFAR) are working to reduce the burden of AIDS on a global scale. The Prov/Bos CFAR carries... More

A 2020 Pandemic Year in Review: BUSM Steps Up
The year 2020 was like no other—it was business as usual for January and most of February, then everything changed in March. On top of the stress and isolation of a global pandemic, 2020 evolved into a year recognizing racial injustice and political turmoil. In the face of unprecedented adversity, students, faculty and staff at Boston University School of Medicine pulled together and continued its important mission of teaching, learning and discovery. Members of the BUSM... More

Dressed for Success: GMS students join the early fight against COVID-19
Boston University Medicine Magazine The great work by our GMS students early on in the COVID-19 pandemic was featured in the Boston University Medicine magazine winter issue! Flip to page 12 to read the full story.

GMS Spotlight: TOTAL App
The following article is by Maureen McCarthy from BU Digital Learning & Innovation. Find the original post here. Find step-by-step instructions for using the TOTAL app here. Q&A: EXPLORING THE TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES TO AUGMENT LEARNING (TOTAL) INCUBATOR PROJECT Digital learning initiatives are happening across the BU campus. This Q&A series highlights innovative ideas, collaborative thinking, cutting-edge perspectives and those leading the digital teaching and learning charge. The DL&I Incubator team is pleased to announce the launch of Training Opportunities To... More

GMS Scientists Discover COVID-19 Lung Inflammation Pathway
Scientists, including GMS faculty, at NEIDL and CReM have uncovered how COVID-19 triggers severe lung inflammation. Their research points to the body's NFkB signaling pathway as the driver of this response. In discovering this, they are opening the door to therapeutic research that could reduce inflammation before it becomes deadly. In the words of Dr. Andrew Wilson (one of the co-corresponding authors of the study), "It’s been wonderful to finally be on the offense, rather... More

GMS HPE Alumnus On COVID-19 Frontlines at BMC
Alumni Spotlight: Alex Sheng, MD, MHPE Dr. Sheng is the Associate Residency Program Director in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Boston Medical Center and Assistant Professor at Boston University School of Medicine. He received his Master’s degree in Health Professions Education from Boston University Graduate Medical Sciences in 2019. Q: Why did you decide to become a clinician educator and earn a Master’s degree in Health Professions Education at GMS? A: Physicians are natural teachers. We’re always... More

Behind the Scenes: BU, BMC Scientists and GMS Students Work Together for the Hospital’s COVID-19 Test
Gian Sepulveda, PhD Candidate Five days away from his PhD dissertation defense date, GMS doctoral candidate Richard Giadone spent early mornings in the lab to optimize and adapt CDC and WHO COVID-19 testing protocols for use at Boston Medical Center (BMC). Under the supervision of his PI, Dr. George Murphy at the BU Center for Regenerative Medicine (CReM), and in collaboration with labs from the Broad Institute and the BU/BMC Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, the... More