By Dr. Michael Siegel

Michael Siegel

Siegel M. The effectiveness of state-level tobacco control interventions: a review of program implementation and behavioral outcomes. Annual Review of Public Health 2002; 23:45-71.

Siegel M, Albers AB, Cheng DM, Biener L, Rigotti NA. Effect of local restaurant smoking regulations on environmental tobacco smoke exposure among youths. American Journal of Public Health 2004; 94:321-325.

Albers AB, Siegel M, Cheng DM, Biener L, Rigotti NA. Relation between local restaurant smoking regulations and attitudes towards the prevalence and social acceptability of smoking: a study of youths and adults who eat out predominantly at restaurants in their town. Tobacco Control 2004; 13:347-55.

Thomson CC, Gokhale M, Biener L, Siegel MB, Rigotti NA. Statewide evaluation of youth access ordinances in practice: effects of the implementation of community-level regulations in Massachusetts. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 2004; 10:481-489.

Siegel M, Albers AB, Cheng DM, Biener L, Rigotti NA. Effect of local restaurant smoking regulations on progression to established smoking among youths. Tobacco Control 2005; 14:300-306.

Thomson CC, Hamilton WL, Siegel MB, Biener L, Rigotti NA. Effect of local youth-access regulations on progression to established smoking among youths in Massachusetts. Tobacco Control 2007; 16:119-126.

Albers AB, Siegel M, Cheng DM, Biener L, Rigotti NA. Effect of smoking regulations in local restaurants on smokers’ anti-smoking attitudes and quitting behaviours. Tobacco Control 2007; 16:101-106.

Siegel M, Albers AB, Cheng DM, Hamilton WL, Biener L. Local restaurant smoking regulations and the adolescent smoking initiation process: Results of a multi-level contextual analysis among Massachusetts youth. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 2008; 162:477-483.

Albers AB, Siegel MB, Cheng DM, Biener L, Rigotti NA. Household smoking bans and adolescent antismoking attitudes and smoking initiation: Findings from a longitudinal study of a Massachusetts youth cohort. American Journal of Public Health 2008; 98:1886-1893.

Biener L, Hamilton WL, Siegel M, Sullivan EM. Individual, social-normative and policy predictors of smoking cessation: A multilevel, longitudinal analysis. American Journal of Public Health 2010; 100:547-554.