GMSSO Resources
Graduate Medical Sciences (GMS) Travel Awards
- Travel award available up to $250
- Available to support PhD students presenting at a scientific conference
- Granting of GMS Travel Award is contingent upon recipient submitting a 2-3 paragraph summary of conference participation to be published on GMS website and newsletter
GMSSO Community Service Award
GMSSO Community Service Award
- Application deadlines: Fall Semester- November 15th, Spring Semester- March 15th
- Award between $100-$500 (contingent on applicant pool size) for GMSSO members to offset the cost of travel to or registration for a professional interview, conference, workshop or society
- Available to current full and part-time students enrolled in any program within the Division of Graduate Medical Sciences (GMS)
- Awardees will be selected on the basis of outstanding track record of volunteer service in the Greater Boston Area undertaken since matriculation