PhD Professional Development Opportunities

Graduate Medical Sciences is committed to making your life at BU a positive and nurturing experience. To this end, we emphasize mentorship and professional development; our Fair Expectations (.PDF) reinforce these underlying principles.

GMS encourages students to present their work at scientific conferences and offers professional development workshops to help students launch their scientific careers.  Additionally students can apply for a GMSSO Professional Development award or other Fellowships and Scholarships.

The GMS Office hosts special events such as the endowed Henry I. Russek Achievement Day to celebrate student research accomplishments,  GMS art show and BUSM Arts Day to showcase the artistic talents of all members of our community,  as well as workshops and panel discussions events through the GMS Professional Development Office or BU’s BEST to learn about the many diverse career paths for a PhD in the biological sciences and Hockey Night to cheer the BU team on to victory.

The GMS Office collaborates with the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs to foster an appreciation of cultural competence and health disparities and their role in biomedical science research.

Please visit our Office of Post-doctoral Affairs  for  page for additional opportunities.