Tuition & Fees
The SAMPLE tuition costs below are REPRESENTATIVE of common pathways students take through various programs. Depending on your specific program, the total number of credits required to complete that program, and your personal path, the cost will vary. Students completing a MS or MA degree in GMS must be registered for four (4) semesters to complete their degree whether full- or part- time. Part-time semester tuition costs will vary depending on the number of credits you enroll in; thus total tuition varies if you enroll part-time during your time here at BU. For more specific details beyond these sample tuition costs, please reach out to your program directly. Contacts can be found here. Visit the BUMC Student Financial Services Website for direct costs (tuition & fees) and an estimate of indirect costs (room & board) using the Cost of Attendance Calculator. They can be contacted for individual advising appointments. For more information about applying and types of loans checkout the Student Financial Services Information Sheet. NOTE: All rates posted are 2024-25 rates. Summer rates and beyond are estimates only and will increase when rates are posted for 2025-26. |
1 Year, Full-Time
Fall Full-Time | Spring Full-Time | Summer I (CFT ) | Summer II (CFT ) | Total |
$33,335 | $33,335 | $4,166/2cr ($2,083/cr) | $4,166/2cr ($2,083/cr) | $75,002 |
This applies to programs such as OHS, HPE, Clinical Research and International students completing programs in 1 year
*CFT: Continuing student full-time
2 Years, Full-Time
Fall Full-Time | Spring Full-Time | Fall Full-Time | Spring Full-Time | Total |
$33,335 | $33,335 | $33,335 | $33,335 | $133,340 |
This applies to programs such MHCBM with students taking two full years of classes and completing clinical work.
2 Years, Full-Time / Part-Time (Continuing Student)
Fall I Full-Time | Spring I Full-Time | Fall II (CFT) | Spring II (CFT) | Total |
$33,335 | $33,335 | $4,166/2cr ($2,083/cr) | $4,166/2cr ($2,083/cr) | $75,002 |
This is common for programs where students take 1 year of full-time classes and complete research during year 2 such as MAMS, Clinical Research, BRT, Vesalius, Nutrition, Pathology, etc.
2 Years, Part-Time
Fall I Part-Time | Spring I Part-Time | Fall II Part-Time | Spring II Part-Time | *Total |
$16,664/8cr ($2,083/cr) | $16,664/8cr ($2,083/cr) | $16,664/8cr ($2,083/cr) | $16,664/8cr ($2,083/cr) | *$66,656 |
*Total tuition costs vary depending on the number of credits taken in each part-time semester
This is a path pursued by students in HPE students (fellows), and some students wanted to complete their program part-time in Clinical Research, Nutrition, BRT, Medical Anthropology, Pathology, Healthcare Emergency Management.
2 Years, Full-Time and Part-Time
Fall I Full-Time |
Spring I Part-Time |
Summer I (this may not be needed) |
Fall II Part-Time | Spring II Part-Time |
*Total |
$33,335 | $16,664/8cr ($2,083/cr) | $4,166/2cr ($2,083/cr) | $16,664/8cr ($2,083/cr) | $4,166/2cr ($2,083/cr) | *$74,995 |
*Total tuition costs vary depending on the number of credits taken in each part-time semester
This is common for student in programs such as Vesalius, Biomedical Forensics, Forensic Anthropology, Pathology where after the first semester where they take a full-time course load they complete the rest of the program part-time with variable credits each semester.
1.5 Years, Full-Time / Part-Time
Fall I Full-Time | Spring I Full-Time | Summer I | Fall II Part-Time | *Total |
$33,335 | $33,335 | $4,166/2cr ($2,083/cr) | $4,166/2cr ($2,083/cr) | $75,002 |
*Total tuition costs vary depending on the number of credits taken in each part-time semester
This is common for programs where students complete the program full-time over 1.5 years such as Clinical Research, Nutrition, BRT, OHS, etc. They take 1 year of full-time classes and then are part-time/continuing students over the summer and fall to finish in January of year 2.
1.5 Years, Part-Time
Fall I Part-Time | Spring I Full-Time | Summer I/II | Fall II Part-Time | *Total |
$20,830/10cr ($2,083/cr) | $16,664/8cr ($2,083/cr) | $12,496/6cr ($2,083/cr) | $16,664/8cr ($2,083/cr) | $66,654 |
This is a path pursued by students in many programs with variable schedules such as Clinical Research, Nutrition, BRT, HPE, Healthcare Emergency Management etc.
*Total tuition costs vary depending on the number of credits taken in each part-time semester
For the Physician Assistant and Genetic Counseling Clinical Programs, please see their websites.
Additional Fees:
Health & Wellness Fee – CRC & BUMC | $269 per semester |
Program Fee | $160 per semester |
Loan Fee (if applicable) | $105 per semester |
Thesis/Dissertation | |
Doctoral Dissertation Fee | $115 per dissertation |
Master’s Thesis Fee | $25 per thesis |
More Info:
Explanation of Fees
Medical Insurance
Please note: These fees are the sticker prices, and the actual costs may be lower if students are offered scholarships.
Other fees:
Continuing Student Fee
Lab Fee
Late Fee
Student Services Fee
Tuition Overload Charge