Pregnant women respond best to vaccine messages focused on infant protection
Pregnant women respond best to vaccine messages focused on infant protection feat. Dr. Rebecca Perkins
Pregnant women respond best to vaccine messages focused on infant protection feat. Dr. Rebecca Perkins
Best Practices for Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy Among Pregnant Women feat. Dr. Rebecca Perkins
Pregnant women with COVID-19 face higher rates of severe illness and preterm birth. Why are so few vaccinated?
Fertility fears, fueled by misinformation, harm US vaccine uptake feat Dr. Kate White
Are Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Safe During Pregnancy? Boston Doctors Respond to Study feat Dr. Wendy Kuohung
COVID Vaccine Hesitancy: Boston Doctors Address Concerns Around Fertility, Pregnancy feat. Dr. Wendy Kuohung, MD, director, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Program, Obstetrics & Gynecology
What We Know About COVID Vaccines and Fertility in Women and Men feat Dr. Kate White
COVID-19 Vaccine Two-Dose Completion Is Crucial for Public Health feat Dr. Rebecca Perkins
How to Talk with Pregnant Patients About the COVID-19 Vaccine Feat. Dr. Tina Yarrington
How To Make Sure People Come Back For Their Second COVID-19 Vaccine Dose feat. Dr. Rebecca Perkins