Clerkship Overview


The purpose of this rotation is to provide instruction in the basic knowledge and skills specific to the reproductive health maintenance and disorders of women. The clerkship stresses the importance of the doctor-patient relationship, interviewing skills, appropriate physical exam, and clinical problem solving in caring for patients. We will emphasize the importance of quality obstetrics and gynecology in providing continuous, comprehensive care for women. This foundation will prepare the student for his/her future role as a physician, regardless of specialty choice. Additionally, the clerkship provides exposure to our specialty for those third year students interested in Ob/Gyn as a career choice.


Students in the 6-week Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship are placed at Boston Medical Center and Framingham Metro West Medical Center. Each block of students will spend 3 weeks on the Gynecology Service and 3 weeks on the Obstetrics service. Throughout the rotation ambulatory experiences while on either block are obtained in both general and specialty clinics. During the gynecology rotation, three of the students (from Boston Medical Center) will be based at the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, MA.

Students will receive teaching from attendings, residents, midwives and other providers involved in the care of patients in our practice. Each student will have a weekly continuity experience with a general Ob/Gyn provider, participating in their clinic for the entire 6-week block. Students will take call, and will go home post call on Obstetrics. In addition to their clinical experience, there are weekly didactics offered Wednesdays. The topics for these sessions are derived from Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO) Medical Student Educational Objectives.

The BUSM Graduate:
Behaves in a caring, compassionate and sensitive manner toward patients and colleagues of all cultures and backgrounds, using effective interpersonal and communication skills
Uses the science of normal and abnormal states of health to diagnose illness and provide effective management of care
Communicates with colleagues and patients to ensure effective interdisciplinary medical care
Acts in accordance with the highest ethical standards of medical practice
Researches and critically appraises biomedical information and contributes to the advancement of science and the practice of medicine
Exhibits commitment and aptitude for life-long learning and continuing improvement as a physician
Supports optimal patient care through identifying and using resources of the health care system