Resident Research
Pregnancy and Childbirth After Sexual Trauma: Patient Perspectives and Care Preferences.
Sobel L, OʼRourke-Suchoff D, Holland E, Remis K, Resnick K, Perkins R, Bell S. |
Second-trimester surgical abortion practices in the United States.
White KO, Jones HE, Shorter J, Norman WV, Guilbert E, Lichtenberg ES, Paul M. |
Impact of daylight savings time on spontaneous pregnancy loss in in vitro fertilization patients.
Liu C, Politch JA, Cullerton E, Go K, Pang S, Kuohung W. |
Physician-scientists in obstetrics and gynecology: predictors of success in obtaining independent research funding.
Okeigwe I, Wang C, Politch JA, Heffner LJ, Kuohung W. |
Home or office etonogestrel implant insertion after pregnancy: a randomized trial.
Uhm S, Pope R, Schmidt A, Bazella C, Perriera L. |
Gynecologic Outcomes After Hysteroscopic and Laparoscopic Sterilization Procedures.
Perkins RB, Morgan JR, Awosogba TP, Ramanadhan S, Paasche-Orlow MK. |
Psychosocial interventions for pregnant women in outpatient illicit drug treatment programs compared to other interventions.
Terplan M, Ramanadhan S, Locke A, Longinaker N, Lui S. |
Integrating screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT) into an abortion clinic: an exploratory study of acceptability.
Appel L, Ramanadhan S, Hladky K, Welsh C, Terplan M. |
5-Alpha reductase deficiency: a 40-year retrospective review.
Okeigwe I, Kuohung W. |