Meet the Mentor: Theresa A. Davies, PhD

Gender Identity & Pronouns: Female – she/her/hers
Affinity Groups: Disabilities Advocacy  Group
Race/Ethnicity and/or Nationality: White/ Caucasian
Languages: English
Home: Wayland, Massachusetts
Educational Focus:  My focus as an advisor, educator and leader is on providing personalized mentorship and blending this with professional development and a sense of belonging through community.   I feel this is foundational to academic success and critical to long term achievement.  I work to promote inclusivity throughout my roles, working to  increase diversity in the biomedical sciences and health professions,
Interests: Family, the beach, camping, reading, walks, short hikes, good food!

Personal Facts/Hobbies:

I’ve been at BU since graduating college transitioning from a graduate student, to researcher and faculty, and more recently to educator, program director and assistant dean.  I have grown personally and professionally, raised four kids and mentored hundreds of students along the way.  I am passionate about advocating and supporting students (and my peers) as they strive to reach their goals while helping to provide a sense of community that enables success. I have been working as the Disabilities and Access  Services (DAS) liaison for five years now and have grown more and more passionate about advocating for students and championing their causes. I have had not only professional but also personal experience working through the challenges associated with learning issues, I have loved ones who constantly battle to maintain balance and a sense of mental well-being in this challenging world and I personally struggle from chronic health issues that I work daily to overcome by focusing on living with a positive attitude and generous spirit.  Having been part of the group starting C3, I wanted to be involved but I didn’t fit in any of the “classic” affinity groups but I do here. If you want to talk, I am open to being whatever you need.  I can listen, provide tissues, share resources, or be a fierce advocate on your behalf.  My door is always open.