Meet the Mentor: Gian Sepulveda

Gender Identity & Pronouns: Male – he/him
Affinity Groups: gPLUS/gGLOBAL
Race/Ethnicity and/or Nationality: Filipino
Languages: English and Filipino
Hometown: Manila, Philippines
Education: B.A. Molecular Biology, Colgate University; PhD Candidate in Genetics & Genomics (current)
Industry Interest: Investigating post-translational processing of c-MYC, science communication and journal editing

Personal Facts/Hobbies: I am entering what is hopefully my final year as a PhD candidate in the lab of Dr. Alla Grishok. My work revolves around how the epigenetic modifier DOT1L affects c-MYC mediated transcription of target genes.  Outside of the lab, I enjoy biking around Boston, traveling to new places, and watching plays/musicals. I recently got into vinyl record collecting, and I am trying to complete Breath of the Wild on the Nintendo Switch so I can finally play Tears of the Kingdom.