Additional Registrar Information
The Registrar’s office in Graduate Medical Sciences provides ongoing academic support services to students, faculty and staff within Graduate Medical Sciences.
Email Communications
All important GMS communications are emailed to the student’s BU email account. For those students who wish to have their email forwarded from their BU account to a different account, please be sure the email forwarding is functioning correctly.
Address Changes/Forwarding Address
Students may change their address in Student Link.
Withdrawing or Taking a Leave of Absence from Graduate Medical Sciences
- A student Withdraws from a program when they officially drop ALL courses taken during the current semester and leave their program of study prior to completion of their degree.
- A student requests a Leave of Absence (LOA) to take a period of time off prior to resuming and completing their program. For more details please see Section 11.2 of GMS Academic Policies and Procedures.
- Students should discuss their situation with their advisor/program director and submit the Withdrawal/Leave of Absence Form to the GMS Registrar’s Office. Students must return within one year of requesting a LOA to be reinstated without reapplying.
Health Insurance Massachusetts Law
- Massachusetts Law stipulates that college students registered must be covered by health insurance. Students registered at Boston University are automatically charged for the BASIC student health insurance plan (Aetna Student Health). Please contact Ellen Millman in Student Accounting Services with any questions or for assistance.
- If a student is charged for BASIC health insurance but is already covered under a comparable health insurance plan based in the United States, he or she may waive the charge on the Student Link under the “Money Matters” tab. Waivers should be completed before the payment deadline. Students who have health insurance charge(s) on their bills cannot ignore the charge. The charge(s) must be paid, waived, or removed by Student Accounting Services by the deadlines.
Degree Program Enrollment
Boston University does not permit a student to enroll simultaneously in more than one graduate program either within Boston University or at another institution, unless those programs have been previously approved by the Trustees of Boston University as a combined degree program.
International Students
Visit the ISSO site for specific requirements.