What a Semester it has Been!

To our GMS Community,

The Fall 2021 semester is wrapping up this holiday season after a semester of being back on campus together. Between classes, extracurricular activities, research, and events, we have certainly had an eventful semester that has been full of academic success, research and building back our community after a year of virtual learning.

This semester the GMS community hosted an array of events through Student Affairs and Community Catalyst Center (C3) and our partnerships across campus. From our Pride Book and Coffee raffles, Exploring Back Bay Walking Tour, Mid-terms De-Stress Coffee Break event, Overcoming Imposter Syndrome seminar and Tis’ the Season to Mingle social, we have been able to connect academically, interpersonally, and professionally across all programs with students, staff, and faculty.

As we all started to come together at the start of the semester for the first time in a long time for many of us both returning and new to our community, we explored Boston together with walking tours of Back Bay and the Freedom Trail. This was a great way to introduce our great city to new students and to connect across many programs here at GMS. Our Student Affairs Midterms and Finals De-Stress Coffee Breaks and care package give away provided an opportunity for students to get a wind down from finals, papers and exams with peers and staff and a chance to practice self-care with different methods of artistic mediums or prioritizing healthy sleep.

We welcomed Dr. Raul Fernandez, lecturer and former Associate Dean for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion at BU Wheelock for a discussion on what imposter syndrome is and the strategies to empower yourself against these doubts. Students came together for academic workshops presented by GMS Faculty and we’ve been able to explore some great reads for intersession and throughout the semester with various cultural celebrations such as Pride Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, and Ingenious People’s Month.

We’ve stayed busy this semester between all our academics, research and advancement in medical care while remaining safe, healthy, and doing so consciously. We have been so thankful for our opportunities to come together as a community, especially for a coffee and donut. As we enter winter intersession, we are looking forward to Spring 2022 and seeing you all back on campus again safely.

Warm Wishes, Happy Holidays and have a great New Year!