Metabolism, Endocrinology and Obesity Training Grant

Predoctoral candidates should send a single PDF file that includes: Postdoctoral candidates should send a single PDF file that includes:
  1.  the predoctoral application form,
  2.  the candidate’s curriculum vitae,
  3.  one page description of the project to be written by the candidate,
  4.  one paragraph statement of his/her future plans in science,
  5.  a letter of support from the mentor that provides evidence of adequate independent  funding to support the proposed research and a mentoring plan,
  6.  the applicants graduate school transcript (unofficial OK).
  1. a cover letter indicating their area of interest and possible mentor,
  2.  their curriculum vitae,
  3.  a letter of support from the mentor that provides evidence of adequate independent funding to support the proposed research and a mentoring plan,
  4.  two letters of recommendation.

Program Faculty by research focus

Focus Area 1: Metabolic biology of Adipocytes, Muscle and Islets in Obesity and Diabetes
Focus Area 2: Obesity, Vascular Biology, and Inflammation
Focus Area 3: Translational Studies Related to Endocrine and Metabolic Disease
Focus Area 4: Model Systems and Organisms in Regulation of Metabolism