Resident Rotations

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Below is an overview of the four years of training here at the Boston University Psychiatry Residency. Unless otherwise specified, one block is 4 weeks long. Click on each individual PGY year or rotation to read more.


BMC Internal Medicine (2 blocks)

BMC Night Float and Swing (1 block)

Bedford Medicine (1 block)

Bedford VA Inpatient Psychiatry (2 block)

Jamaica Plain VA Urgent Care (1 block) BMC Neurology (2 blocks)
BMC Psych ED (1 block) Bournewood Adult Inpatient Psychiatry (1 blocks) BMC Brockton (1 block) Brockton VA Inpatient Psychiatry (1 blocks)
1/2 day Didactics on Thursday afternoons (except when on Medicine rotations)
“Buddy call” during psychiatry rotations (evenings and weekends)


BMC C/L (1 blocks) West Roxbury VA C/L (1.5 blocks) Bedford VA Addiction (1 block) BMC Brockton (1.5 block)
Department of Mental Health Forensic Psychiatry (1.5 blocks) Bournewood Adolescent Inpatient Psychiatry (1.5 blocks) Brockton VA Geriatric Psychiatry (1.5 block) BMC Emergency Psychiatry (1 block)
Elective (1 block)
1/2 day BMC Adult Psychiatry Outpatient Continuity Clinic on Thursdays
1/2 day Didactics on Thursdays
Nightfloat (2 week blocks, 3 blocks/year) at West Roxbury VA and BMC


1 – 1 1/2 day BMC Outpatient Adult Psychiatry Clinic
1/2 day (for 3 months) BMC Integrated Care in Primary Care Clinic
2 – 2 1/2 days Jamaica Plain VA Outpatient Dual Diagnosis Clinic
1/2 day CARD CBT Clinic for 6 months 1/2 day BMC Outpatient Child and Adolescent Clinic for 6 months
Nightfloat (1 week block, 3 blocks/year) and 24-hour calls at West Roxbury VA and BMC
1 day Didactics on Thursdays


1/2 day BMC Outpatient Adult Psychiatry Clinic
1/2 day Jamaica Plain VA Outpatient Dual Diagnosis Clinic
3 Days of Electives
1 day Didactics on Tuesdays