Author: Keila Cooper

Impact of HPV Vaccination in US is Rising, and Herd Immunity is Getting Stronger, According to New Research feat. Dr. Rebecca Perkins

How to Do a Self Breast Exam at Home and What to Look For Adult women of all ages are encouraged to perform breast self-exams at least once a month as a preventative measure. Feat Dr. Melissa Wong

Fewer and fewer OB-GYNs are taught how to perform abortions. What happens when there’s no one left? The dismantling of reproductive rights starts with OB-GYNs, many of whom aren’t trained to terminate pregnancies – Feat. Dr. Katharine White

Is it an abortion or a D&C? Medically speaking, “the steps are the same” Restrictions on elective abortion procedures are affecting medical and surgical miscarriage care feat. Dr. Katharine White