By ypeguero
Network Upgrade – June 26 12AM-8AM (Y-Drive Outage Expected)
There will be a Network Upgrade on June 26th, from 12AM-8AM. During this time the Y-Drive will be inaccessible until the upgrade is complete. After the Network Upgrade is complete you will be able to reconnect to the Y-Drive without any issues.
If you experience any issues or have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 617-638-5914 or by emailing us at
Scheduled Network Maintenance – March 7th from 12 AM – 8 AM
The BUMC OIT Network Services Group will be performing network maintenance beginning at 12:00 a.m. and ending at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 7th. This should not affect the BUMC community.
Office Issues Due to Microsoft Update
On 11/11, Microsoft released a Windows Security Update (KB3097877) that has caused connection issues between Outlook clients and the Exchange server, often resulting in an application crash. This has also been observed to affect other Office applications such as PowerPoint, Word, and Excel. If you are experiencing similar issues, please follow the instructions below:
- Click the Start icon or press the Windows key on your Keyboard
- Type "Windows Update" (without quotations) and click Windows Update
- If you see the message "1 important update is available", click on "Install updates". Let the installation run (this could take up to 10 minutes) and restart your computer when prompted by that window. Once you log back in, the issues should be resolved.
- If you do not see this message, click "View update history" in the left panel.
- In the top right, click on "Installed Updates"
- In the top right corner, in the "Search Installed Updates" field, type KB3097877 and hit enter
- Right click on update listed ("Security Update for Microsoft Windows KB3097877") and select uninstall. Click yes when prompted.
- Let the uninstallation process run, and restart your computer when prompted.
- When you log back in, open up the Windows Update window again and select "Check for updates" in the left side-panel
- This check could take several minutes. Please be patient. When the check is complete, you should see the message "1 important update is available". Click "Install updates" and let the installation process run.
- Restart your computer when prompted. Once you log back in, the issue should be resolved.
If you experience any issues, please feel free to contact our help desk at 617-638-5914 and one of our staff members can assist you.
Network Maintenance – Nov. 8th
The BUMC Office of Information Technology Networks Group will be performing network maintenance starting at 12:00AM and ending at 8:00AM on Sunday, November 8th.
During this time, the BUMC VPN Service as well as all centrally located BUMC servers will be unavailable.
Please note, the BU Charles River VPN Service will still be available.
Upcoming Network Maintenance – Oct. 25th, 2015
The BUMC Office of Information Technology Networks Group will be performing network maintenance starting at 12:00AM and ending at 8:00AM on Sunday, October 25th.
During this time, please expect all wired and wireless network services in the locations listed below to be unavailable.
72 East Concord Street – This includes the BUMC Alumni Medical Library
80 East Concord Street
85 East Concord Street
65 East Newton Street
100 East Newton Street
615 Albany Street
771 Albany Street
780 Harrison Avenue
BU (802.1x) Wireless Network Connectivity Issues
Due to a recent change in our wireless servers some of our users are experiencing a connectivity issue when using/or connecting to the BU(802.1x) Wireless Network. In order to correct this issue, users will have to remove and re-add the BU(802.1x) wireless network manually. Below you will find instructions on how to remove and re-add the network. These instructions can be used for systems running Windows 7/8/10 as well as tablets:
If you experience any issues, please feel free to contact our Help Desk at 617-638-5914.
SAS Renewals Begin for 2015-2016
SAS renewals have begun for the 2015-2016 school year.
SAS users who need to download or renew SAS for 2015-2016 should put in a request at our SAS webpage.
Renewal files for SAS 9.1.3, 9.2, 9.3, and 9.4 are available. Downloads for SAS 9.1.3 and 9.3, 9.4 Lite are available. The installer for SAS 9.4 and the SAS Virtual Machine will be available soon.
The installer for SAS 9.4 has been updated to version TS1M3, the latest version of SAS 9.4. Existing SAS users may want to consider downloading these new installers to get the latest updates.
For more detailed information about obtaining SAS, please check our SAS webpage. If you still have questions, contact the BUMC IT Service Desk at 617-638-5914 or
Updated: 8/31/2015
SAS 9.4 Lite is now available.