Welcome to Fall 2024 at Graduate Medical Sciences!

The Fall 2024 semester has officially begun at Graduate Medical Sciences! This semester, we are thrilled to welcome 469 new students to GMS, including 422 master’s students and 47 PhD students. These students represent 16 master’s programs and five PhD programs. The cohort comes from 34 different countries and 38 states. They attended 223 undergraduate […]

STaRS Scholars Present at 2024 GMS Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium

The 2024 Summer Training as Research Scholars (STaRS) cohort concluded their 10-week internships at the Graduate Medical Sciences Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, held in Hiebert Lounge on Aug. 6. The symposium began with oral research presentations by the STaRS scholars, followed by an afternoon poster session that included STaRS and research volunteer students. The 2024 […]

GMS Faculty Spotlight: Esther Bullitt, PhD

Esther Bullitt, PhD, is a professor of pharmacology, physiology & biophysics at Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine. She is the director of both the biophysics and physiology graduate programs within Graduate Medical Sciences. Dr. Bullitt was recently awarded a Shared Instrumentation Grant by the National Institutes of Health, which helped to fund […]

Congratulations to Our 2024 Henry I. Russek Student Achievement Award Winners!

Graduate Medical Sciences and the Russek Foundation are pleased to award nine high-achieving graduate students and recent alumni with 2024 Henry I. Russek Student Achievement Awards: Robert Fisher (Graduate Program in Genetics & Genomics) Lucy Peterson (Program in Pharmacology) Yi Guan (PhD in Anatomy & Neurobiology Program) Anna Smith, PhD (Graduate Program in Molecular and […]

Five Things to Do in Boston for the Fourth of July

Staying in town for the Fourth of July weekend this year? Here is a list of events that you can check out in Boston over the next few days: Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular DCR Hatch Shell (Charles River Esplanade); Thursday, July 4 at 8:30 p.m. The annual Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular is the city’s signature […]

Welcome to Melissa L. Gilliam, Boston University’s 11th President

A Conversation: Boston University President Melissa L. Gilliam on First Impressions, Challenges and Ambitions BU Today; July 1, 2024  On Monday, July 1, Melissa L. Gilliam took office as Boston University’s 11th president. Dr. Gilliam is a physician, educator, scholar, research scientist and leader in higher education who was named as the next president in […]

C3 Ice Cream Socials Return for Summer 2024!

Students, faculty and staff on campus for the summer joined the Community Catalyst Center for its first Summer Ice Cream Social on June 27. This is the third summer in a row that C3 has hosted these socials, brought back due to their ongoing popularity from the GMS community. Those who stopped by could choose […]