Teaching Fellow Applications Open

Dear Students and Postdocs,

We are soliciting applications for teaching fellows for breakout sessions in the first year PhD curriculum. The curriculum is composed of 4 core modules and additional elective modules that cover Foundations in Biomedical Sciences (FBS). These courses have small breakout discussion sessions that focus on classic papers, problem solving, and current topics in the biomedical sciences. Teaching fellows will work closely with a faculty mentor to review material, set goals, and facilitate the discussion sessions. The FBS course series will have each core course running for a half semester (which may be longer than you are used to). Each core course will be 7-8 weeks and the elective courses will run the full spring semester. For the core modules, the teaching sessions will generally take place on Fridays from 10 am – 12 pm.

The module dates are listed below:

FC 711 (Protein structure, catalysis & interaction): September 2 – October 15

FC 712 (Structure and Function of the Genome): October 19 – December 14

FC 713 (Architecture & Dynamics of the Cell): January 20 to March 4

FC 714 (Mechanisms of Cell Communication): March 15 to May 2

FC 715 (Translational Genetics and Genomics): January 20 to May 2

FC 717 (Physiology of Specialized Cells): January 20 to May 2

PhD and MD/PhD students who have passed their qualifying exams and postdocs are eligible to apply. Teaching fellows supporting FC 711 – 714 will be awarded an honorarium of $400, and those supporting FC 715 or 717 will be awarded an honorarium of $750. If you are interested, please send the following to James Mazarakis:

  1. Statement of why you want to teach in this program and a brief description of your current research.
  2. Unofficial transcript of graduate work (graduate students) or list relevant course work (postdocs).
  3. Letter from your PI, which should state that they are supportive of your interest in this effort.
  4. Indicate the course(s) that you would like to participate in teaching. You may indicate more than one module but please let us know your first choice or if you have no preference.

The deadline for applications is Monday July 19, 2021. 

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to working with you on this exciting opportunity.

– Drs. Shoumita Dasgupta and Karen Symes