PhD Students & Post-Docs Apply Now: Dr. Erika Ebbel Angle Community Service Award

The Dr. Erika Ebbel Angle Community ServiceAward will be used to fund biomedical Ph.D. students and/or postdoctoral researchers to develop or expand a project dedicated to service in the STEM field. Scientific community outreach activities could include interactions with educators, community leaders, non-profit organizations or foundations. Think broadly and consider STEM education, health care technology, health care delivery or other. This award is named after Dr. Ebbel Angle (a Ph.D. alumna from BUSM) recognizing her efforts in developing Science from Scientists whose stated mission is “to teach and inspire the next generation to identify and solve real-world problems by improving STEM literacy”.

Application Process:

1st Round: Candidates should submit an abstract of no more than 300 words along with a C.V. or resume. The abstract should describe the rationale, methods, benefits and anticipated outcomes of the project. The methods should include, but by no means be limited to who the project will serve, how it will be implemented, whether this is a new project or existing project, as well as collaborators on the project. The abstract and C.V./resume will be due by Oct. 25, 2018 at 5:00 pm.  Please submit directly to the Best Office  – 

2nd Round: Finalists will be selected and notified by Nov. 1, 2018. Finalists will need to provide additional information. This will include a letter of support from the trainee’s primary mentor and, if applicable, from collaborators. A budget and a timeline defining goals/milestones will be required. Note that the limit for this initiative is $5,000, so more than one project can be supported as funds allow.  Trainees will be required to present progress of their work in May.