All-BUMC Discussion Seminar: Authorship Credit – Feb. 7
Join us for a seminar entitled Authorship Credit: Avoiding and Resolving Differences will be held on Friday, February 7, 2014 12 noon– 1 pm BUSM L110. This is open to all BUMC faculty, researchers, students and post-docs, See Authorship Credit flyer for more details
STaRS Application Now Open
Thank you for your interest in the Summer Training as Research Scholars Program. STaRS is a dynamic and focused program that is designed specifically for the enhancement of skills required for successful entrance and completion of a graduate program or an MD/PhD program in the biomedical sciences. STaRS is designed to promote access to graduate […]
ASM Sarber Award Recipient
Congratulations to Fadie Coleman, PhD candidate in the Department of Microbiology for being recognized as one of two students to receive the Sarber Award for research excellence and potential, sponsored by the American Society for Microbiology (ASM). Fadie will be presented this award at the ASM General Meeting Awards Banquet and Dinner on Sunday, May […]
PhD Virtual Grad School Fair on 9/10
GMS will be participating in the Biomed Virtual Grad School Fair hosted by CareerEco on September 10th and October 24th from 9AM-4PM EST. If you are interested in learning more about our PhD and MD/PhD programs, please complete this free registration and live chat with our faculty and administration.
Abstracts due 4/19 McCahan Education Day
The 2013 John McCahan Medical Campus Education Day will be held on Wednesday, May 22, 2013. BUMC faculty, fellow, residents, students and staff are invited to submit proposals for workshops and abstracts of ongoing or completed education projects. Abstracts must be submitted by Friday April 19, 2013. Cash prizes awarded for top abstracts. For more […]
SURP Symposium August 2
SURP interns from left to right front row: Lydia Ruffner, LaTayia Aaron, Taylor Harris, Christine Doronio, Rui Soares. Back row from left to right: Johnny Groeling, Chino Igwebuike, Juan Ballester. SURP research interns, participants in a summer program sponsored by the Division of Graduate Medical Sciences in collaboration with basic science departments, will present the […]
GMS Career Development Monthly Seminar Series: What’s Next After Graduation and how to Find the Best Career Path for you
May Seminar: What’s Next After Graduation and how to Find the Best Career Path for you In this presentation, career consultant, Lauren Celano will discuss the various career opportunities for individuals with advanced degrees and will provide an overview of the job search process, networking to identify opportunities, and the importance of finding the right […]
2012 Russek Day Abstracts extended to April 26.
Abstracts are currently being accepted for the 18th annual Russek Student Achievement day. Information and abstract submission details can be found here.
18th Annual HIR Student Achievement Day May 11
The 2012 Henry I. Russek Student Achievement Day is Friday, May 11th from 8:30am-5pm. Click here for more details.
Abstract Deadline: 2/29 for BU’s Science and Engineering Day
This symposium will take place on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 in Metcalf Hall at the George Sherman Union. More information is available as well as the online abstract form.