Last Date to Drop Classes is October 11.
The Drop deadline for all GMS students is October 11th. Please complete an add/drop form and submit to registrar, Ms. Millie Agosto.
Graduate Fair for Prospective Students October 20th 4-7pm.
Thinking about going to graduate school? It’s never too early to get information. Please come and meet representatives from MA & MS programs offered by the Division of Graduate Medical Sciences. Each program will have information about admissions criteria, research and professional career paths. The fair will be help on Thursday October 20th at Boston […]
Building Successful Research Teams: Preventing and Managing Conflict – November 2nd
Building Successful Research Teams: Preventing and Managing Conflict Understanding the factors that contribute to the successful functioning of a team is critical to anyone who leads or participates in collaborative science. Event Details: Wednesday, November 2, 2011 Workshop 4-5:30pm. Reception to follow. BU Medical Campus, Room K-103 Questions?? Contact: Ms. Kayleigh Klegraefe (617) 638-5138, […]
Upcoming Drop Deadline, Friday Nov. 11
The last day to drop courses is Friday, November 11, 2011. Please use the add/drop form found on the student forms page and obtain the required advisor and instructor signatures before submitting to GMS, L315.
Last Day to Add Classes September 19th
The add deadline for all GMS students ( MA/MS and PhD students) is Monday, September 19, 2011. Add/drop forms require an advisor signature and should be returned to Ms. Agosto the Registrar in L315.
GMS -Alumni Welcome Barbeque, September 6th at 5pm
Please join us for the annual Graduate Medical Sciences Welcome Barbecue sponsored by BUSM Alumni Association on September 6th 5:00-6:30 on the Talbot green.
New International Student Information Session September 5th for GMS Students.
All new incoming International students should attend the information session on Monday, September 5th, from 2:00pm to 4:00pm at Morse Auditorium, 602 Commonwealth Avenue. Topics will include: Navigating the U.S. Classroom We will address the cultural dynamics of the American classroom: teaching styles, communication, participation, organization and more. Health Care is Different in the […]
GMSSO Presents: The PhD Movie – October 20th
On Thursday, October 20th at 5pm the GMSSO will sponsor a free showing of The PhD Movie. The movie will be held in Hiebert Lounge. Refreshments will be available. For more information visit the GMSSO Homepage or email
MA in Medical Sciences Orientation – September 1st
Incoming student orientation will take place on Thursday, September 1st from 10:30-4 pm. Students should check-in on L2, Room 203. For additional information please see the orientation page or Contact Dr. Gwynneth Offner at
GMS Orientation September 2, 2011
Orientation for all GMS MA, MS, and PhD students will take place on Friday September 2, 2011 from 9-12 am in the 670 Albany Street Auditorium. The orientation schedule and additional information can be found online. Class start on Tuesday September 6th. For more information please contact the Division Office at 617-638-5255.