Leave Of Absence, Withdrawal, And Reinstatement
Normally, students must register for each regular (i.e. fall/spring) semester until completion of all degree requirements. Upon written petition to the Associate Provost for GMS and for appropriate cause, a student is allowed up to a total of two (2) semesters of leaves [or for a total of one (1) academic year] of absence throughout degree completion without the necessity of reapplication and/or readmission.
Leaves of absence beyond two (2) semesters are granted only in exceptional cases, such as a substantiated illness, maternity or paternity leave, or military service. The student should petition to the Associate Provost of GMS with the approval of the program director.
Procedure for requests for a leave of absence is:
- The student should meet with their advisor and program director for approval.
- Submit a written request explaining the reason for leave of absence along with the required forms, including the program director’s signature, to the GMS Registrar.
- May be asked to meet with the Associate Provost.
If approved, a request for a leave of absence is effective on the day the written request is received by the GMS Registrar. A certificate of authorized leave of absence is issued and a copy is included in the student’s record. For a student who files for a leave of absence from the University, charges for tuition and fees are canceled in accordance with the University’s published refund schedule.
A student who is on a leave of absence and who has borrowed federal and/or private loans may be required to begin repayment while on leave.
The period of an authorized leave of absence is counted as a part of the total time allowed for completion of the degree requirements. Students may not complete any degree requirements in a semester for which they have been granted a leave of absence.
Leaves of Absence for Medical Reasons
Sometimes a student may need to interrupt his or her studies for medical reasons. A student requesting a leave of absence for medical reasons must submit a letter from their clinician, or s/he must be seen (or have the records reviewed) by Student Health Services or its designee. GMS reserves the right to require an involuntary medical leave of absence if it is determined that a student’s continued enrollment would create a significant risk to the health and safety of the student or others.
A student seeking to re-enroll after a medical leave of absence must demonstrate to GMS that the student’s health permits the successful completion of studies. Documentation needed to support this finding will be determined by Student Health Services or its designee, but will generally include information from the student’s clinician as well as an assessment by Student Health Services or its designee. The decision whether to permit a student to re-enroll is within the sole discretion of GMS.
A student who wishes to withdraw from the University must submit the request and follow below procedures:
- Meet with their advisor and program director for approval.
- Submit a written request explaining the reason for withdrawal along with the required forms, including the program director’s signature, to the GMS Registrar.
- May be asked to meet with the Associate Provost.
If approved, a withdrawal is effective on the day it is received by the GMS Registrar and charges are canceled in accordance with the University’s published refund schedule, based on the effective date of the student’s withdrawal.
Absence from class does not reduce financial obligations or guarantee that final grades will not be recorded.
A student who has voluntarily withdrawn from GMS will be subject to the regulations governing Readmission to a Degree Program under section 16.
Students applying for readmission to GMS will be subject to the following regulations:
- Readmission to the program will require the submission of a new application and will be subject to the admissions criteria at the time of application.
- If readmitted, the student may be asked to retake examinations or demonstrate knowledge in current issues in the field of specialization.
- Readmitted students will be subject to the policies, rules and regulations set forth in the GMS Policies and Procedures and program specific handbook at the time of readmission.
- Students who have outstanding financial obligations to the University at the time of withdrawal or termination will be required to meet those obligations as a condition of readmission.
- At the time of readmission, the student must consult with the program director to outline a plan for completing the degree requirements.
Academic Credits per Semester
See Section under Registration