185.1 Inpatient Clinical Neurology: General
Instructor: Ariel Marks, M.D.
Location: Boston Medical Center
Contact: Joseph Russo Telephone: 638-5348 Email:
Number of Students: 1-2 per block
Period to be offered: 4 weeks
Students are to report to the Menino 7th Floor work room (Room 7018, by the Menino service elevators) by 7 a.m.
Description of Elective:
This elective is for the CAMED student to provide students with a broad exposure to the field of general inpatient neurology. Students will learn how to approach the diagnosis and management of patients with non-stroke neurological disorders. In addition, students will learn to work in multi-disciplinary teams to participate in the care of complex patients.
185.2 Inpatient Clinical Neurology: Stroke
Instructor: Ariel Marks, M.D.
Location: Boston Medical Center
Contact: Joseph Russo Email:
Number of Students: 1-2 per block
Period to be offered: 4 weeks
Students are to report to the Menino 7th Floor work room (Room 7018, by the Menino service elevators) by 7 a.m.
Description of Elective:
This elective is for the CAMED student to provide students with a broad exposure to the field of inpatient Stroke Neurology. Students will learn how to approach the diagnosis and management of patients with different forms of strokes and stroke risk factors. In addition, students will learn to work in multi-disciplinary teams to participate in the care of complex patients.
186.1 Outpatient Clinical Neurology: Movement Disorders
Instructor: Ariel Marks, M.D.
Location: Boston Medical Center or Boston VA
Contact: Joseph Russo Email:
Number of Students: 1-2 per block
Period to be offered: 2 weeks
Student will have emailed instructions from education coordinator on logistics.
Description of Elective:
This elective is for the CAMED student to provide students with a broad exposure to the neurological subspecialty of Movement Disorders. During this 2-week elective, students will participate in different clinical activities with Movement Disorder sub-specialists. During this elective, students will learn to evaluate, diagnose, and manage patients with different movement disorders such as ataxia, Parkinson’s Disease and gait disorders.
186.2 Outpatient Clinical Neurology: Pain
Instructor: Ariel Marks, M.D.
Location: Boston Medical Center or Boston VA
Contact: Joseph Russo Email:
Number of Students: 1-2 per block
Period to be offered: 2 weeks
Student will have emailed instructions from education coordinator on logistics.
Description of Elective:
This elective is for the CAMED student to provide students with a broad exposure to the neurological subspecialty of Pain Neurology. During this 2-week elective, students will participate in different clinical activities with Pain sub-specialists. During this elective, students will learn to evaluate, diagnose, and manage patients with different Pain related disorders such as headache, back pain, neck pain and other pain-related conditions.
186.3 Outpatient Clinical Neurology: Sleep Medicine and Cognitive Disorders
Instructor: Ariel Marks, M.D.
Location: Boston Medical Center
Contact: Joseph Russo Email:
Number of Students: 1-2 per block
Period to be offered: 2 weeks
Student will have emailed instructions from education coordinator on logistics.
Description of Elective:
This elective is for the CAMED student to provide students with a broad exposure to the neurological subspecialties of Sleep medicine and cognitive disorders. During this 4-week elective, students will participate in different clinical activities with sleep and cognitive disorder sub-specialists. During this elective, students will learn to evaluate, diagnose, and manage patients with different sleep-related disorders and cognitive disorders such as insomnia, dementia, and sleep apnea.
186.4 Outpatient Clinical Neurology: Epilepsy
Instructor: Ariel Marks, M.D.
Location: Boston Medical Center or Boston VA
Contact: Joseph Russo Email:
Number of Students: 1-2 per block
Period to be offered: 2 weeks
Student will have emailed instructions from education coordinator on logistics.
Description of Elective:
This elective is for the CAMED student to provide students with a broad exposure to the neurological subspecialty of Epilepsy. During this 2-week elective, students will participate in different clinical activities with Epilepsy sub-specialists. During this elective, students will learn to evaluate, diagnose, and manage patients with different Epilepsy disorders such as generalized seizures, focal seizures, as well as managing AEDs.
186.5 Outpatient Clinical Neurology: Mixed Elective
Course Director: Ariel Marks, M.D.
Location: Boston Medical Center or Boston VA
Contact: Joseph Russo Email:
Number of Students: 1-2 per block
Period to be Offered: 4 weeks
Note: Students signing up for the Mixed Elective, please email Joey Russo with your two choices of outpatient subspecialty services.
Description of Elective:
This elective is for the CAMED student to provide students with a broad exposure to the field of outpatient neurology based on the students’ areas of interest. During this 4-week elective, students may choose to take 2 different 2-week outpatient rotations through different neurology sub-specialties to learn and further explore their interests. Sub-specialty options include movement disorders, pain, sleep/cognitive, epilepsy, or neuromuscular.
186.6 Outpatient Clinical Neurology: Neuromuscular
Instructor: Ariel Marks, M.D.
Location: Boston Medical Center or Boston VA
Contact: Joseph Russo Email:
Number of Students: 1-2 per block
Period to be offered: 2 weeks
Student will have emailed instructions from education coordinator on logistics.
Description of Elective:
This elective is for the CAMED student to provide students with a broad exposure to the neurological subspecialty of neuromuscular medicine. During this 2-week elective, students will participate in different clinical activities with neuromuscular sub-specialists. Students will learn to evaluate, diagnose, and manage patients with different neuromuscular disorders such as myasthenia gravis, neuropathies, and myopathies.
187.1 Inpatient Clinical Neurology: Neurocritical Care
Instructor: Ariel Marks, M.D.
Location: Boston Medical Center
Contact: Joseph Russo Email:
Number of Students: 1-2 per block
Period to be offered: 4 weeks
Students are to report to SICU 3rd floor Neuro work room (nearby to SICU Room 20) by 6:30 a.m.
Description of Elective:
This elective is for the CAMED student to provide students with a broad exposure to the field of neurocritical care. Students will learn how to approach the diagnosis, work-up, initial emergent management and long-term care of critically-ill patients with neurological illness.
188.1 Neurology Research (non-clinical elective)
Instructor: Ariel Marks, M.D.
Location: Boston Medical Center or Boston VA
Contact: Joseph Russo Email:
Number of Students: 1-2 per block
Period to be offered: 4 weeks
Students will have emailed instructions from education coordinator on logistics
Description of Elective
The student will join a supervising Neurology faculty mentor for a research project that is organized prior to the start of the elective and approved by the elective subcommittee of the medical school. The student will work as a member of the team with the principal investigator and/or other junior investigators. The student will spend his/her time performing some or all of study research, study development, IRB submission, study planning and data collection, data analysis, and study write up. A thorough written summary of the student’s progress and/or accomplishments will also be performed. The student will also attend various conferences focused on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with general neurologic disease. Emphasis is placed on developing skill in performance of research techniques, with particular focus on development of research ideas, IRB creation and submission, data collection and analysis, and manuscript creation. Students are expected to participate in all service activities Monday through Friday. Weekend responsibilities or evening call is not required.
Additional requirements for the Research block include:
1) Please submit to Joseph Russo and the Clerkship Director the name of your project, attending you are working with, brief description and a schedule/outline of your work for the four weeks (using the table form below).
Neurology Research Elective Grade Form
Project Title:
Project Team:
Goals for Block: (What you want to accomplish/work on for the projects)
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
Summary: (Discuss your project, and accomplishments and plans going forward)
2) Please submit a MedHub RSEF request to your research adviser to complete, this is done in a similar fashion of how students usually request evaluations for clinical rotations, the MedHub form that is automatically sent out will be the Research SEF (RSEF) rather than the usual Clinical SEF (CSEF)
3) You will be expected to present your project in poster form at the annual Kase Research Symposium scheduled in April of each year. You will receive reminders and further information in the months before the event.