BUMC Y Drive Migration 2020

As part of Boston University’s Next Generation storage project, IS&T is upgrading our Network File Storage (BUMC Y Drive including DOM) services to a new hardware platform. We are planning the network drive migration for BUMC IT for November/December.

Departments at BUMC will be moved together within schools, with down-time during a change window scheduled from 2am-6:30am.

Migrations were originally scheduled for the months of March and April, but delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The following dates below do not require confirmation from departments. If there are any questions about a migration date, please contact us at bumchelp@bu.edu .

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will my Y drive or network path change?

A: Y drive connections using \\ad.bu.edu\bumcfiles\ will still work normally. Paths that start with \\bumc-y.bu.edu\bumc\ will no longer work after this migration. If you cannot use the \\ad.bu.edu\bumcfiles\ path to connect, please contact us via the Service Desk.

Q: My Mac connects with the address smb://bumc-y.bu.edu/bumc/. What will happen to my connection?

A: The connection will be lost, but you can regain access to the drive by remapping it using smb://ad.bu.edu/bumcfiles/. See our page on how to map your connection on a Mac: how to map the network drive.

Q: Can I leave my files open overnight?

A: No, files on the network drive need to be closed to proceed with the migration. Any files left open will lose connection to the network drive during the migration. They can be reopened afterwards.

Q: Will I get disconnected from my mapped network drive?

A: After the migration, the connection to the Drives that use the path \\ad.bu.edu\bumcfiles\ will continue to function. Mapped Drives that use \\bumc-y.bu.edu\bumc\ will need to be re-added as paths to \\ad.bu.edu\bumcfiles\.

Q: How do I reconnect to my mapped network drive?

A: See the page on how to map the network drive.

Q: I need to access data from my network drive between 2am and 6:30am the day of the migration.

A: Copy this path into your File Explorer (or map this network drive path) \\bumc-y-ro.bu.edu\bumc and browse to the required folder. Please contact us if you need a further explanation on how to do this. You cannot save data to this location, please copy it to your computer and then save it back to the usual location after 6:30am.