Art and Hobbies Dr Davidoff
The Common Vein is the epicenter of a career long intellectual and personal pursuit to understand the world within us and around us, and an attempt to bring my life as a person, doctor and radiologist, father, and member of society all together using common principles. It is an ongoing web based educational project that explores complex issues by identifying the underlying principles and recurring patterns of the world in, and around us. The observation that the whole is bigger than the parts is seminal, and is a recurring pattern from the atom to the universe. Similarly universal, is the conscious and unconscious need to pursue wholeness or oneness. In human biology the most miraculous example of this, which is within the grasp of all human experience, is conception. Two cells meet and bond at the right place at the right time and a new life is created.
The Common Vein also aims at integrating biology and medicine with other creative human endeavors, and focuses on using images and imagery to communicate ideas. Some of the components of the web site are listed below
Categories of Exploration
Art Reflecting the Common Vein Principles
Organs Disease and Diagnosis in the Body
Art of Radiology
Medical Art
Painting and Sculptures
Sculptures and Painting
RAD BEAT – Music and Dance to the Sounds of MRI and US