Major Clinical Facilities
Boston Medical Center
Boston Medical Center is a major teaching facility with an emphasis on the underserved patient population. We have a high volume with a very broad range of pathology, reflecting our diverse patient population. Boston Medical Center is a busy level 1 trauma center and has the busiest emergency department in New England. We have excellent support of our program through the department and institution. Our faculty is diverse, all of whom have subspecialty expertise. The trainees in our residency program enjoy an outstanding clinical and educational experience.
Boston Medical Center (BMC) offers full-service inpatient, outpatient, and emergency services. BMC has 547 beds (506 adult + 41 pediatric) and had 124,928 emergency visits, 28,173 inpatient discharges, and 877,700 outpatient visits this year.
We have state-of-the-art imaging technology, including state of the art 3 Tesla Philips and 9.4 Tesla Bruker research MRI scanners in our Center for Bioimaging facility. Clinically, we have a 3 Tesla GE MRI scanner with deep-learning reconstruction, a 3 Tesla Philips MRI scanner, and one 1.5 Tesla Philips MRI scanner. We also have 4 dual energy CT scanners ranging from 64 through 256 detector rows using both fast kV switching and spectral detector dual energy technologies as well as deep learning image reconstruction, Philips angiography suites, Philips IU-22 ultrasound scanners and nuclear radiology facilities, including an integrated PET-CT scanner. We offer a dedicated musculoskeletal imaging service at the Shapiro Building, with a complete range of modalities including conventional radiography, musculoskeletal ultrasound, joint arthrography, bone biopsies and MRI.
We offer a dedicated musculoskeletal imaging service at the Shapiro Building, with a complete range of modalities including conventional radiography, musculoskeletal ultrasound, joint arthrography, bone biopsies and MRI.

The VA Boston Healthcare System (VABHS) provides complementary clinical experiences at its two campuses in Jamaica Plain and West Roxbury on the outskirts of the city of Boston. It is a major teaching hospital with a high volume and very diverse range of pathology in a population of veterans. Emphasis on hands-on training by residents. Residents will have rotations on both diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology at the VA.Subspecialty radiology staff are present, providing a wide range of expertise, with excellent teaching of our residents and excellent site support through the affiliation with Boston Medical Center.
VABHS became an integrated component of the Boston University Residency Program in July 1998. VABHS has 2 sites: the outpatient facility at Jamaica Plain and the inpatient facility at West Roxbury. There are 350 beds with more than 6,400 inpatient discharges and more than 386,000 outpatient visits last year. VABHS has a full-service Department of Radiology with more than 76,000 examinations performed last year.
The distribution is 60% outpatient and 40% inpatient. There is an extensive PACS infrastructure for digital image acquisition and interpretation in a “filmless” environment. The VABHS complements resident training, particularly in cardiovascular, neoplastic, and musculoskeletal diseases.
Boston Children’s Hospital

Boston Children’s Hospital, the premiere pediatric hospital in the U.S, provides for a robust and unparalleled pediatric radiology experience.The 3-month rotation is heavily weighted toward pediatric general diagnostic radiology and pediatric interventional radiology so that the residents will learn to become familiar with the concepts behind and the image findings in infants and children. They will also be exposed to various imaging modalities as they are used in infants and children, including nuclear medicine, US, CT, MRI, interventional radiology, and conventional fluoroscopy. Residents will attend lectures at Children’s Hospital according to their schedule Monday through Friday. There are 37 pediatric radiology attendings at Children’s and the hope is our residents will have interactions with the majority of them.