Frequently Asked Questions
General FAQ’s
Where is Student Financial Services?
What are your hours of operation?
With whom should I meet?
Application FAQ’s
When can I begin the financial aid process?
Are there any institutional application requirements?
What documents do I need to submit to SFS if I am only applying for the Federal Direct Loan?
What is your FAFSA school code?
Should I submit parental information on the FAFSA application?
What happens if I've forgotten or lost my FSA ID?
Do I have a deadline if I am only applying for federal aid?
How Do I Apply for Federal Work Study?
International Student FAQ’s
Am I eligible for financial aid?
How do I learn more about the BU Community?
Award FAQ’s
How do I accept/decline/adjust my award?
Why has my Federal Direct Loan amount changed this year?
What is the TILA form?
Cost of Attendance FAQ’s
Can I increase my cost of attendance for a new computer, childcare and/or unreimbursed medical expenses?
Can you help me build a budget? Manage my expenses?
What other options are available to meet the cost of attendance if I have borrowed the maximum in Federal Unsubsidized loans?
Student Account FAQ’s
Can I have checks sent to your office?
I have a credit on my student account to use for living expenses, how do I receive the funds?
But what if it's a pending credit, because the loan hasn't fully disbursed yet?
When can I receive my living expense funds by direct deposit?
Why is the Federal loan amount on my student account different than the amount I borrowed?
Loan FAQ’s
I'm a new student receiving student loans I keep hearing about Entrance Counseling and Promissory Notes. What do I need to do?
How can I get my prior student loans deferred?
Where can I learn more details about Public Service Loan Forgiveness, National Health Service Corps, and military Health Professional Scholarship Programs?
What are some of the borrower benefits associated with institutional “BU loans”?
I keep getting bills for my Direct Loans, but I'm still in school. Do I need to pay this interest now?
I am unable to borrow Federal loans or have borrowed the full amount of my Federal student loans. If I need additional funds, where should I look for credit-based loans?
School of Dental Medicine FAQ’s
Can I get more financial aid to pay for the CDCA or ADEX exam?
Can I receive Federal Work Study as a dental student?
Does BU offer any scholarships for dental students?
Is there funding available to help with residency costs or relocation expenses after I complete my program?
Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine FAQ’s
How do I know if I have received a Dean’s Scholarship?
Is my Dean’s Scholarship and/or the Medical Residence Housing Grant considered in the need-based analysis?
What documents do I need to submit to Student Financial Services (SFS)?
Why was a portion of my need-based financial aid replaced with a different award?
Can I receive Federal Work Study as a medical student?
Is there funding available to help with residency costs or relocation expenses after I complete my program?
Graduate Medical Sciences FAQ’s
Is there a deadline to apply for financial assistance?
Does BU offer any scholarships for GMS students?
I'm a GMS Student who wants to take summer classes. Can I get financial aid for that?
What is Certified Full-Time and why might it be important to me?
School of Public Health FAQ’s
Is there a deadline to apply for financial assistance?
I want to make changes to my scholarship offered by Admissions, how do I do so?
What should I know about my merit scholarship?
I'm a BUSPH Student who wants to take summer classes. Can I get financial aid for that?