Faculty Diversity Award

The Faculty Diversity Award is awarded to a Department of Medicine faculty member who promotes the departmental values of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging in the DOM or in the broader community.  This faculty member promotes the culture of diversity through their work, research, teaching or as an ally to underrepresented groups.

Criteria the committee will use to judge the worthiness of the nomination will include:

  • Longevity
  • Promotion of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging in the institution and/or broader community
  • Commitment to education
  • Mentoring
  • Going above and beyond what is expected for one’s job
  • Overall impact on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging
  1. Who can nominate: Residents, fellows, and faculty members can nominate for this award.
  2. Who can be nominated: Nominee should be a faculty member of the Department of Medicine for at least a year
  3. Who is ineligible: Any past winner
2024 Nominations Are Closed