Evans Clinician Designation

The Evans Clinician Designation was established in 2017 to recognize and celebrate outstanding clinicians who possess clinical skills, attributes and professionalism that define excellence and to establish a home for such individuals to share experiences and grow their membership.  Similar to the DOM Clinical Excellence Award, the designation is intended to acknowledge the value of clinical medicine and honor clinical role models among the faculty.  However, the Evans Clinician will be a lifelong member of an expanding group of recognized clinicians who will define the role of the group over time.  Membership is meant to be honorific but not exclusive (5-10 new members per year), and membership will be displayed on a special name tag.

Who can nominate: Section Chiefs, faculty members, fellows, medical residents and our nurse colleagues can nominate for this designation.

Who can be nominated: Nominees must be faculty members with at least seven years of experience at Boston University.

Who is ineligible: Current Evans Clinicians

Timeline: The initial call for nomination will go out in the early summer months with a deadline of late summer. The award winners will be announced at the Evans Day Celebration in the fall.


Individuals who qualify for this designation possess an exemplary approach to patient care and an unwavering focus on the patient in all aspect of their professional life (including research, teaching and administration) over time.  A longstanding panel of patients is desirable but not required.

Specific considerations:

Strong doctor-patient relationship (perhaps measured in part by patient experience surveys)

Patient-centric care

Shared decision making

Recognized by patients and families for commitment and dedication (assessed by fellows, colleagues and clinical staff)

Opinion sought after by colleagues

Requests to see relatives and friends of colleagues and trainees


These awards are administered by the Vice Chair of Clinical Affairs. Nominations will be collected and submitted by the respective Section Chiefs and be presented in writing via email to the Evans Clinician Selection Committee and should include a detailed justification for the nomination.  The Evans Clinician Selection Committee will be appointed by Dr. David Coleman.

Three letters of support including one from the Section Chief if he/she is not the nominator will accompany the nomination.

Nominees shall remain actively considered for the Evans Clinician Designation for 3 years including the year of the nomination.  If not selected, re-nomination will be required.

Nominations are solicited in the early summer with deadlines given late summer.  Request for nominations is done through a notification in the Department newsletter, a similar request via email to all faculty and potential nominators, and letter sent to the educational contact person in each section asking them to solicit input and discuss at section meetings.

Packets are completed over the summer and the committee convenes in the early fall to discuss the nominees.

The “badge” is formally presented to the awardee(s) at the Annual Evans Day Celebration in the fall.

The awardee(s) are notified in advance of the Evans Day Celebration by the Chairperson of the committee.  No other announcement of the Award is made prior to the awards dinner.

It is anticipated that a Charter for Club mission and goals will be established.